What You Do Together (Losers)

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Literally crying while writing this because I'm listening to acoustic versions of Theory Of A Deadman songs. They got me in my feels :,-)

-He'll read to you a lot
-You'll research Derry's history at the library together
-Marathoning cartoons

-Riding bikes at sunset
-Swimming at the Quarry
-Making out at the Quarry ;)
-Him sleeping over, or you sleeping over there since you're parents are close and trust you both

-Trips into town for junk food
-Pranking the losers
-Trying to prank the Bowers Gang
-Him hiding you when he gets his ass kicked
-Makeout sessions to "make him feel better"

-Taking long walks together
-Talking about anything and everything
-Him sneaking out at night to cuddle at your place
-Being Derry's cutest couple

-Helping him out at the farm
-You get lunch together after
-Stargazing at night
-He makes sure to keep a certain sheep alive that you took a liking to and it's now both of yours pet

-Milkshake dates
-You can't actually have dates so sometimes you'll take one back to your place when your parents aren't home and share one there
-Exploring Derry together
-She plays her piano while you sing

-He takes you bird watching
-You learn about different birds
-At first it seemed boring, but you saw how happy it made him and how excited he got telling you about all the birds and it made you happy seeing him happy
-He draws while you play guitar and sing
-Reading to him while cuddling

-Making out in Belch's car
-Playfully teases you in front of his friends, but if one of them says says anything about you he'll go 0-100 real quick
-He's a secret softie and cuddles you every night when he sneaks in your window at night

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