Why You Break Up

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I'm going to try to be as original as possible with these one's!

How old were you: Teens
Reason: You were constantly jealous of other girls and often started fights. He ended things to make both your lives easier.
How you reacted: At first you were angry, which turns into sadness. But it helped you realize you needed to boost your self confidence up and fix yourself.
How He reacted: He felt relieved for a while. But he started missing you so it turned into sadness.
You got back together as adults!

How old were you: Late teens
Reason: He cheated
How you reacted: You were angry at him, and at yourself for thinking he ever loved you. It was messy and you never forgave him or ever talked to him after the breakup.
How he reacted: He felt like an idiot. He lost the one good thing he had in his life. He was a mess for a long time after that since you weren't there to keep him stable.

How old were you: Adults
Reason: He attended med school (let's pretend!) and it became too stressful and he hardly saw you.
How you reacted: You were upset, but understood. You kept in touch as aquatints.
How he reacted: He was angry at himself and sad. But he realized he needed to do it for himself and for you.

How old were you: Adults
Reason: Technically you didn't break up. It was when IT came back and he took his life.
How you reacted: Obviously you were devastated. But needed to stay strong enough to help the others defeat IT.

How old were you: Kids
Reason: Your parents thought you were too young for a boyfriend
How you reacted: you were so upset. He was your first love and your parents took it away.
How he reacted: he was even more upset. You were also his first love and had no say in the matter.
You got back together as soon as they allowed you to date!

How old were you: Adults
Reason: He saw Beverly for the first time since she left Derry, and realized he was still in love with her
How you reacted:
How he reacted:

How old were you: Early 20's
Reason: You two we're going to different collages and you broke it off since you didn't think a long distance relationship would work.
How you reacted: You were sad, but didn't show it unless you were alone.
How she reacted: It took her months to get over you. She only did because she had to focus on school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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