You're sick

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So I'm probably only gonna be doing the Losers club now. Maybe I'll do the cast on the odd time but I find it difficult to write for them!

-will be sad
-tries everything he can to fix it
-brings you medicine you need
-cuddles you to make you feel better

-"I'm not touching you (y/n), I don't want whatever disease you have"
-sits on the edge of your bed trying to make you laugh
-he knows you're not feeling good so he'll eventually cave in and cuddle

-Ew germs!
-you call him to tell him not to come over for a bit since you're sick
-he appreciates you told him and he keeps away
-when you're better he tells you all about how much he misses you and how bored he was without you

-gets lowkey soft
-feels bad for you
-watches movies with you
-but will only hold your hand

-brings over blankets, pillows, comfort food, and good movies
-makes sure you're comfy beside him
-treats you like a queen until you're better
-still treats you like a queen after that

-"oh no my girlfriend is dying!"
-"Ben it's only a headache"
-quietly reads to you until you fall asleep
-he lays beside you kisses your head
-"I'm making it feel better!"

-when you aren't in school she panics
-stays in bed with you
-"if my baby is sick I'm sick"
-cuddles you all day

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