The Begining

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Hi. My name is Alyssa Sanders and I'm a freshman at Woodland Creek High. I may seem normal, but ever since the day I found out that I'm a descendant of the most evil villain in a different dimension, my life has been far from normal. It all started on my first day at Woodland Creek. We had just gotten assigned our lockers. A lot of people got assigned lockers right next to their friends. No such luck here. In fact, I got assigned a locker right next to the most snobbiest, stuck up, richest and most popular girl in school, McKenzie Queen.

 "Well, well, well. Look who it is. Alyssa Sanders,"  she said my name like it was the worst thing she'd ever heard. " I can't believe I got a locker  next to the biggest loser in the school," she said. Like she knew everyone in the school. "Go away," I muttered under my breath. "What's that hon? Talking to your imaginary friends again?," she spat. "Mind your own business," I said, and with that I walked off.

 I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize where I was going. I bumped into someone and all my books scattered across the  floor. I looked up and saw that I had bumped into Michal Davidson, the cutest boy in my grade and my crush. "Woah! Are you okay?," he asked. "Yeah," I said. I was blushing so hard, I could have sworn I looked like a tomato. He helped pick my books up and I was on my way once more. 

After first period, I went to my  locker to pick up my books for second period. When I got to my locker, I found a note taped to it. The note didn't have any writing on the out side, so I decided that I would open it once I got home. The rest of the day was hectic yet it was a blur. Classes were hard for the first day and McKenzie dropped in one of her snarky comments every once in a while. Other than that, it was fine.

When I got home, the first thing I did was race up to my room and open the note that I found taped to my locker:

You are in great danger of many things

You are a descendant of someone evil

You have secret powers

Do not do anything that will allow you to tap into them

I will come to get you ASAP

Stay put

I read it again thinking I probably read it wrong, but there it was in black and white. This had to be some kind of practical joke that someone was playing on me. That's when I started thinking. I shook my head. This could not be real. Or could it ...

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