I Get Hunted

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The next day, I tried to go through school without thinking about any thing that had happened las night. I was seriously hoping that the last couple of days were just a dream, and i was a normal teenager, but this mornings when I got up, I saw the two notes on my desk, and I was all like" Oh it's real."My outside of school life was pretty horrible, but things at school were definitely looking up for me.

McKenzie left me alone all day. Nothing. Not one word from her mouth. You here that? That is the sound of peace and quiet. Also, we have a Winter Dance coming up and I wanted to go with someone, but I knew no one would ask me. Apparently, I was completely wrong about that last part. Today, in the hall, in front of everyone, Michal asked me to be his date for the Winter Dance. Me! Of all people! I was so lost in my thoughts after that, I didn't even think about anything else.

When I got home, I flopped onto my bed, turned on some music, and started reading some of my magazines. It had been about ten minutes when I realized,I hadn't thought about last night at all today.  Surprising, since all the stuff that had happened, had been pretty exciting. So exciting, in fact, that I hadn't been able to sleep.

There was a knock on the door. I decided against opening the door, because we all know what happened the last time we did that. The door opened by itself. I'm not kidding. It literally opened, and there was no one there. Then I heard a strange scratchy voice. It said:

I'm coming for you!

Then the door closed, and I heard footsteps. That was beyond weird. That was creepy and scary. Right then, I hated my life. You might think that it's really cool and awesome, but trust me, you do NOT  want to be in my shoes.

Omigosh you will not believe what happened next. My door opened and there was a woman whom I had never seen before in my life. She was short and plump, with graying hair. She was wearing a black dress so tight, that I wouldn't have been able to even move around in. The worst part: she was holding a small vial of green liquid, that I had to squint to see.

Then it dawned on me. Holy fried onion rings. This lady was going to poison me. I remembered what my kidnapper said. If people from the other place came into this dimension, I would be dead meat. I suddenly got this humongous knot in my stomach. I was pretty sure this lady didn't come over to have a nice cup of tea. I finally did what my gut was telling me this entire time. I ran...

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