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I took something off my desk, I don't know what, and I smashed my window, jumped out and ran. I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. All I knew was that I was being chased by an old lady with skills. Seriously, I'm not even kiding. She moved at such a fast pace, I wondered if she was human. While I was running, something appeared in my pocket, and it weighed me down. I quickly looked for a place to hide, and settled for a large tree.

I put my hand in my pocket and found a ring with a note. The ring was just to pretty to resist. There were five gems in total. The biggest one was in the middle, like a rose, and the other four gems flocked around it like leaves. The one in the middle was multicolored, and the other ones were blue and black. I slipped it on and read the note:

Wear this ring

It will help you learn to control your powers

Learn quickly because as I said before 

They could get out of hand

Stay safe (as safe  as possible)

Ooooookay, that was weird. But, comparing it to other things that has happened lately, it seemed completely normal. "Come out, come out wherever you are."said the witch. She never said she was one, but I just assumed. I realized that I was still running from "Miss Crazy". I held my breath until she moved on and started looking for me in a different place.

I took a few steps forward, then realized that I had no idea where the heck I was. All I knew, was that I was in the middle of nowhere. I was absolutely positively sure that I was lost... 


So I will try to post a picture of the ring maybe in the next chapter, if not, then in the next author's note. 


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