I am Officially on the Run

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When I woke up, I was in a dark room. My hands and feet were tied to the chair that I was sitting on. I had no idea where I was. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was that someone had kidnapped me. I had no idea who it was, why they did it and what I ever did to them. Then someone walked into the room.

"I'm pretty sure your wondering why I brought you here," the voice said." Yes. With a full and very detailed explanation," I told him. He laughed softly at my response." I'm guessing that you got my note,"he said. "I did. I got both of them. By the  way, how do you know where I live?"I asked. Then something clicked. "Your the person that was going to come and get me? The one that said that I'm somehow related to someone evil?". "There are some parts I left out, but yeah that sums just about everything up,"he responded. "Tell me all the parts that you left out, and untie me! I can't sit here tied up forever!" I demanded.

After I was free, he started explaining everything. "Yes. You are a descendant of someone evil but, he is from another dimension. Once people from that place find out how to travel between dimensions, they'll hunt you down and try to murder you."

I tried to process this very carefully, without going completely crazy. "So, one of my ancestors is evil in another dimension." I said with pauses in between "And if people from that place learn how to travel in between dimensions, then I am in a heap of trouble." 

"That's about everything," he told me. "Wow. And I thought high school was hard,"I said. "So, what do I do now." "If people find out how to travel in between  dimensions," he paused"there is only one thing you can do. Run."

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