I Get Kidnapped

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I tried to think about what had just happened and how it had happened. It was just too much to process at one time. So I had lost control, glowed, and somehow used these "powers" that I have. I looked in the mirror. My face was fine. Nothing had changed. I got up and sat on my bed. When I looked back at my mirror there was a note tapped to it. Where did it come from? No one had came in or gone out of my room as far as I knew.

I took it off and read it:

You have used your powers

I told you not to

Now you will need to learn how to control them

Learn fast or they could get out of hand

I'm coming soon 

Sit tight

It wasn't signed or anything, just a plain old letter. I got scared. I mean how would you feel if you got two notes saying things that didn't make sense whatsoever. The person who wrote this knew where I lived. That wasn't weird. That was straight up creepy. Whoever it was, I seriously hoped they weren't stalking me. As that thought was going through my head, there was a knock on my door. "Come in,"I said thinking it was my mom. As soon as I opened the door someone covered my eyes and mouth, grabbed me ran out the house and my vision went black.........

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