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What do I do now? I was lost and had absolutely no way of knowing where I was. My hand brushed over the ring. I remembered the note and what it said. I didn't know how to use it, but the minute I touched it, I felt a surge of power flow through me. I felt like I could do anything. I suddenly had an awesome sense of direction, even though I had never been good at geography. I started walking in a random direction. I tried to stop, but it was like a magnet was pulling me. After about five minutes I recognized my street, and started running toward my house.

I rushed inside, and silently prayed I hadn't been gone for too long. When I got to the kitchen, my mom was on the phone. "Yes. Yes she had come home from school" she was saying. I think she was talking to the police. "Yes, I saw her going into the woods. I tried to go after her but she kept running. I wish she'd run like that in P.E." "Mom, I'm right here." "Oh thank goodness," she cried with relief. "Never mind she's here," she told the police. She rushed over and gave me a tremendous hug. "Can't...breathe.." "Oh sorry!" She looked at me, and a bunch of emotions passed on her face. Fear, relief, happiness, and so many more until it finally settled on one emotion. Anger.

"Alyssa Madison Sanders," she yelled. "What do you think you just put me through. I have been looking for you, I have been on the phone with the police, for two and a half hours. TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!." Okay, I didn't know I had been gone for two hours. But still, I didn't blame her. That is a pretty long time. "Look mom, I'm really sorry. I didn't know  I had been gone for that long." She still looked angry, but I could see that her eyes were shining with tears. She hugged me again and started crying. "Mom, it's okay, I'm here now." I brushed her hair with my hands, trying to soothe her. It just made her cry even more. "Mom, I'm gonna go to my room for a little bit. You cool off okay?" She replied with a simple yes, and I went to my room.

So there I was, sitting on my bed, listening to music, and relaxing. I got up and leaned against the wall and heard a soft thud. I turned around and found that the place that I was leaning on was hollow. I got out of bed, moved my bed and pushed against the wall gently. It opened up into a larger space and I went inside. It was all dark and musty, with cobwebs and dust everywhere. I went deeper in and heard the door close. I ran back and pushed against it, but it wouldn't budge. I heard a click, and a door slam. Someone had locked me inside. What was I going to do?

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