I Accidentally Tap into my Powers

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No, no, no. This can't be right. I mean look at me. I'm probably the nicest person in my entire school. How is it even possible that one of my ancestors is evil. So evil, in fact that I am in a lot of danger. Must. Stop. Thinking. About. Note. I rushed to the bathroom and splashed my face with water. That felt good. The rest of the day I did normal things and tried not to think about the letter.

That night, I was about to go to bed when I remembered the letter. I read it again. At this point, I didn't know what was right and what was wrong. If possible I was probably going crazy. With a sigh, I put the note away and went to bed.

The next day I woke up with a massive headache. It literally took ten  minutes to get dressed. After I got ready for school, I staggered down the stairs. After breakfast I took two Tylenol and went to school. "Could you move?" McKenzie asked with a big fake smile plastered across her face. "Sorry but I'm  pretty sure this is my locker," I retorted." Ugh whatever. Forget I said anything."she snapped.

Later, toward the end of the day, my headache returned. Then McKenzie tripped me in the hall in front of EVERYONE!! I mean, who does that? That was the last straw. I had just about enough with McKenzie. I raged out. I don't know why I got so angry or how I did what I did. I had just been planing to yell at her, but apparently my mind had a mind of its own.

My body began to glow purple. At that point I had lost control. My vision went red, and next thing I knew was that I was lying on the floor. When I got up and looked at McKenzie she looked as if she wanted to strangle me. But deep down inside, I saw it in her eyes, the look of fear, as if she was scared of me. I got up and ran home. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I didn't  know what was happening to me. I sat at my desk and saw the note. I remembered what it said:

Do not tap into your  powers

I had done just that.....

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