Chapter 11

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Wow I haven't been able to get on since last Thursday because of work, man I need to work on these stories so I can catch up. Hope you enjoy this chapter :) 

They opened their maws to launch a powerful attack when he ordered her to stop...the skulls clamped their mouths shut. Eyed one another and was shocked that each blaster owned one eye—one had a purple eye and the other had a green one...

"Did I do something wrong sir?"

"You can summon Blasters..."

She didn't answer she just blinked and turned to see the two skulls looking at her then to Gaster. She didn't see anything wrong with them—weren't skeletons supposed to summon Blasters? Maybe her code was broken? She turned to look back at him as he approached her. the blasters suddenly disappeared as she summoned her shield. Was he going to dispose of her since she was broken?

"You defend yourself?"

"It's kill or be killed—" she snarled.

"You would raise your hand against your creator?"

Her eyes widened then she dropped to one knee bowing. "Forgive me sir-"

"Stand up—"

She did the shield gone—if she was going to meet her end it was because there was something wrong with her...she was broken she wasn't supposed to make blasters—

"Can you turn into a blaster?"

"T-turn into one?"

"I gave you the same injection I gave the others...well I never gave it to a hunter yet—you are an experiment so let's find out." With lightning fast reflexes he slammed his hand down on the back of her neck where the box sat. She felt a sharp pain—then a searing heat washed her body she dropped to her knees it felt like some on ceased her limbs making them feel like lead. She grit her teeth a she felt bones breaking and rearranging...she screamed at the first crack but she clamped her mouth shut.

Gaster allowed her room—the satisfying snap and scraping of bone on bone and on the concrete was music to his ears. He marveled at his work—so a blended hybrid could handle the transformation process. Smaller than his average Blaster he looked on the shaking heap of bones. He was still ready to fight back in case the hunter decided to be on the offensive.

Breathing heavy she looked around the smaller space. She shakily got to her feet to see the strange hole in her a paw massive claws tipped each digit. She had a tail as she turned to look behind her. her voice was stolen from her in this form but she could still understand what he was saying to her.

"Can you still understand me?"

The beast nodded and sat down obediently—so far so good. He walked around it looking at its construction. "A little small but that's not the end of the world." He snorted at his own personal joke. "You seem stocky enough—can you still summon blasters?"

He wanted her to do it again—hesitantly she tried her magic flaring in her eyes as two skulls formed they were not altered and again one sported a purple eye and one sported a green...


"So were going with Ara's plan to turn into blasters like he are bringing in Toriel and Ara..." Sans didn't seem sold on the plan.

"Toriel will be with you—she knows the compound/castle or whatever it is better than any of get her inside and she can lead you to Calibri...we will work about destroying it."

"But I have never turned into a Blaster..." Sans looked uncomfortable. "I know that idiot doctor injected me with the same crud—but I never allowed myself to turn." He took a cigarette in a shaking hand and lit it...

"That takes a lot of willpower." Toriel spoke up softly giving Sans a sad look. "You must be in an incredible amount of pain..."

"Yeah well, grin and bear it right?" he took a long drag then exhaled slowly his magic flared at the cigarette as smoke exited his eye sockets , he wondered how Toriel knew that sort of thing...had Gaster chewed her ear in one sided conversation? He wouldn't put it past the phantom...

"Sans—for this plan to work we need to look convincing." Papyrus spoke up. "As much as I hate this plan I think it's the only one left to us. It's not like we can pretend to be hunters..."

"Yeah the old man could pick us out of a line up." he killed the cigarette with another long drag and turned tossing the butt into the hissed from the moisture as he rubbed his skull—letting his fingers grace each broken fragment of his mosaic like cracks...he wondered how he kept it together...physically and mentally. He snorted at his own private joke as they looked at him like he had gone insane. "Fine I can try and let myself go—" he answered Pap but he hated the thought of this.

He jumped as a soft velvety hand grabbed his he looked down to find to soft white paw of his once lover...could he ever have anything like that again? When he got close to someone he ultimately pulled away. "I trust you Sans." She offered as encouragement and he blushed.


Gaster was examining the blaster skulls she summoned they sat next to her as he walked around them taking his instruments to them analyzing them. "Your magic is strange—you were an outlier before but this is has been exacerbated...made worse..." He had the file again flipping pages—"average human female was used for the main body—fragment of the original batch—and typical soul blending—what went wrong?"

"A—Am I damaged?"

"Different—you function just fine now..."

"I had a vision—a dream in the tank..."

"What?" he looked up, the look on his face told her she shouldn't have said anything.

"I kept hearing a phrase repeated over and over—and..."

"A byproduct of soul mixing." He snapped looking back to his notes.

The blaster heads rumbled as he dismissed her their single eyes looking to her. As if they knew something she didn't. She had a feeling that whatever she was before—like Gaster had said was refined—like something was moved to the side...

The purple eyes blaster flashed an image in her head as she winced. She saw a small girl...a name Aba—gail? Then the green one took a turn and flashed a scene—a girl going into a tank the panic and fear—Samantha...

The next image was of a heart shape—swirled with green and purple—then it was torn into by red hued hands—she snarled flashing her teeth the sudden pain washed over her. Gaster spun from his rantings to look at the female.

"What is the meaning of this?"

She lowered her head the blaster's disappeared as she reverted back to her skeleton body. "I had a headache... I apologize for the outburst." She rubbed the hand that bore the hole absently as she removed her eyes from him.

"See you control yourself. He growled. "Remain in this room till I call for you—I must prep more samples..."

When she was alone she sat cross legged in the middle of the room and took a deep breath and closed her eyes—they had tried to show her something—what was it? Her awareness faded from the room to turn inward where the scene before her blacked out of existence. She was aware of the ground being underneath her but she felt the presense of two souls...was that possible?

A green hued flame appeared first as it was taking shape its counterpart purple flame began to take a much smaller shape of a child. They were ghost like. She knew their names, but really wasn't sure how to address them—this was all so strange for her she just silently observed. The smaller purple ghost took the green ones hand as they walked towards her.


"W—who are you?"

More to come! Thank you readers for your support by reading my stories I wouldn't be able to do this without you! :) 

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