Douleur Mais Réunis (Pain But Reunited)

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Molly Pov
I sit on the couch of my house in Alabama. I'm originally from Detroit, Michigan but I felt like one day I had to get up and out that place. I go by the name of "Molly Brazy", my brother was a Blood and got caught up in that gang shit. He doing time back at home but I still talk to him on the daily. That is one of my reasons why I go by "Molly Brazy".

Im 17 years old & still in High school. I don't fuck with nobody but myself. I HAD a best friend named Nahmir back home in Michigan. We've known each other since diapers, but he decided one day to get up and leave Detroit when I was 15 without a notice or nothing. Nahmir is only one of the reasons why I don't fuck with nobody. One day they finna just get up and leave, but its coo cause i'm used to all that shit now. I live by myself in my own house that I bought with my OWN money, which I can say that i'm pretty proud of because I ain't never got not handouts. I do make music and have mad supporters who are like the family that I never had. I don't like to talk about my past much, only Nahmir is the one who knows about what i've been through.

I'm beyond thankful that he's been there for me and helped me become the person I am. I loved him and he loved me. But if someone loves you why would they get up and leave without an explanation? I don't have any feelings or remorse towards Nahmir anymore. When I think of him, I only feel heartbreak and abandoned all over again.

Well today is the day that I start a new school because I got expelled from my old school for getting into a fight. I don't know what I did wrong? I warned the girl that wanted to fight me and said to her "please don't try to run up cause I'll lay you on your fuckin ass" which she did eventually end up getting laid on her ass. Then I got expelled for that shit? Like, at least I warned her, but she still ran up anyway.
After sitting on my couch, scrolling through instagram I waited until it was time for me to drive to school.

I got in the car, bought me breakfast at Mcdonalds and drove my ass to this new school that I was not looking forward too. Once I got there, people were staring at me - as expected. Once you start a new school, people always finna judge and look at you with them eyes like you not human. I just shrugged them off and walked to the office. I sat there waiting for the principal and she came in and started stating the rules and allaat bullshit. I just nodded my head and then the bell went. 5 minutes after the bell and this bitch was still talking, I wasn't even paying attention and she finally handed me my timetable, walking me to my new class.

"So are you nervous?" The principal asked.
I just shook my head and she chuckled like it was a joke. I looked at her and gave her that What's funny?' typa look.

"I'm not nervous, I've been kicked out of multiple schools and always attended new schools, just so I can finish high school. I'm familiar with all of the stares that i'm gon get, but i don't have any reason to be nervous about it. People can stare at me all they want" I said rolling my eyes.

"Right, I can tell that you're a determined person. Hopefully you'll last long at this school and graduate with no hesitation." She said knocking on the door of my class.

This chubby old teacher with no hair opened the door, making way for us to step in.
"After you" The principal said. I shook my head but walked in the class first anyway. I stood there awkwardly as the principal was introducing me to the teacher.

"I'm Mr Anderson and I hope you feel welcome at this school" I thanked him and looked at the class. They all looked back at me, some of them looked at me like they ain't even care, some of them were looking at me bored out of their minds, and some even looked at me like I had 5 heads.

I examined the class and looked at a boy with dreads who looked quite familiar, he was staring at me dead in the eyes.

Fuck it was Nahmir. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and memories of us as children race through my head. Heartbreak and abandonment all over again. This is all Deja Vu, I swear this is all Deja Vu. We've been here, We've done this.

The teacher assigned me to my seat and said I didn't have work to do because the class was working on unfinished projects or whatever. I felt Nahmir's eyes staring at me, but i tried to ignore him, knowing that he'll approach me sooner or later.

Nahmir Pov
Molly? Fuck. I instantly regretted treating her bad. Memories of me leaving Detroit, memories of her blowing up my phone - all dat shit came back and bit me in ma ass. I stared at her, examining the way she looked. I miss the bond I had with her. The reason I got up and left was because I felt like I was getting attached. I knew I loved her and I still do obviously. I want to talk to her. I NEED to talk to her. But now isn't the place and time. Hopefully I catch up with her when the class ends.

Molly Pov
What felt like forever the bell finally rang. I picked up my bag, lifting it on my shoulder. I waited for everyone to leave and thanked the teacher walking out the door. I felt an arm pull me to the side, and no surprise it was Nahmir's boonk gang looking ass.

I stared in his eyes, with hatred and disgust.
"Fuck you Nahmir" I said hitting his chest. I felt wet tears emerging in my eyeballs as it slid down my cheek. Nahmir pulled me into a hug as I continued crying and hitting his chest. Eventually I stopped crying and pushed him away, wiping my tears from my face.

"You a strong ass brazy bitch Molly. Why you crying for? Show no emotion, not even to this fuck nigga" The voices in my head told me.

But there was no point. Nahmir could read through me like an open book. You read me like a book, like I'm the Bible, and you the reverend.

There was no point of me hiding my feelings or emotions. I wanted to show him how I feel, I wanted to show him how much he meant to me.

"I-I'm sorry Molly" He said stuttering as his voice croaked.

I shook my head still upset, but still hugged him anyway. He hugged me back tightly not letting go. I cried in his chest, making his shirt damp as he mumbled "I'm sorry" in my ear.

Nahmir Pov
I mumbled in her ear, apologising. I could feel people looking at us, but I didn't give zero fucks. All that mattered was Molly, theres just something about her. She can relate with the shit that I go through, she makes me a different person despite all that gang shit. I regret leaving her, because she deserved the best. And I was going to give that to her if she was willing for me to enter her life again.


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