Chapter 8

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"Lou?" Harry whispered,” You asleep?"

Louis shook his head then realized that Harry couldn’t see him,” No. Having troubles getting to sleep?"

"Yeah," Harry admitted. 

"Well come on then," Louis told him, crawling out of bed and grabbing a jacket and hat for Harry. It had been a few days since he had found Harry puking his guts out in the bathroom and he didn't want Harry’s condition getting any worse.

"Lou its like three in the morning," Harry pointed at the clock.

"Doesn’t matter we're going. There’s something I want to show you, now get dressed."

"Lou do I have to wear the hat?" Harry whined.

"Yes you do," Lou said as he threw a shirt on and grabbed a couple blankets.

"But why?"

"Two reasons," Louis said as he moved to stand in front of Harry,” One it's chilly out. And two," Louis placed the hat on Harry's head,” You look gorgeous in it," Louis planted a kiss on Harry's nose,” Now let's go." They slipped on their shoes and Louis led the way out of the hotel, grateful that for once there was no paparazzi or fans. They reached Liam's car that Louis was conveniently borrowing. Without permission. Like usual. He was mostly sure Liam wouldn't mind. He opened the passenger door for Harry before sliding into the drivers seat and they were on their way. 

"Where are we going Lou?" Harry asked as he reached to grab Louis's hand.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Louis grinned," I promise you'll love it.

About forty minutes later, Louis pulled the car over to the side of the road, which appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. He got out and went around to help Harry out. He popped the trunk grabbing the pile of blankets he had thrown in earlier, before grabbing Harry's hand and leading him off into the grassy field.

"Lou we're gonna die," Harry deadpanned.

"Calm down curly," Louis chuckled.

"I'm serious. We're in a deserted field in the middle of the night. There could be serial killers and monsters and," he gulped," FANGIRLS."

Louis elbowed him,” Honestly Harold stop being such a drama lama. I've come here lots of times before and I'm still alive."

"I have two really good remarks right now and I can't decide which is better. So I'm going to go with; you bloody came out here, by yourself without telling anybody?"

"Yeah. I just needed some time to think that’s all," Louis replied as he stopped in place, dropping the blankets and spread one out before lying down on it, patting the ground next to him.

Harry plopped down next to him, instinctively placing his head on Louis's chest. He was shivering and Louis was quick to notice.

"God Harry you're freezing," he reached beside his head, grabbing one of the extra blankets and draping it over Harry's long form.

"So why are we here again?" Harry asked.

"Look up," Louis instructed and was delighted to see Harry's face light up as he saw the stars in all their glory. This was Louis's favorite place in all of London. He relished in the quiet. This was his place like Liam and the Funky Buddha or Niall and that tiny guitar shop that he visited every single time he could.

 "Do you know the constellations Haz?" Louis asked, brushing Harry's curls back from his face.

Harry shook his head,” I used to have a book. One of those little kids books, I think some distant cousin gave it to me. And I was one step short of memorizing the damn thing. But I never actually looked outside."

Louis chuckled,” Well there’s the North Star and Orion," he said as he pointed up at the sky. He continued to point out the other constellations he knew, their voices being the only noise in the empty field. 

"Thanks for bringing me out here Lou," Harry said as the silence enveloped them.

"You're most definitely welcome Haz. We'll come out her again because it looks like we'll be in London for a while."

"I wish I could go home," Harry sighed," I know what you're going to say. The treatment and hospitals are better here and we're going to rent an apartment instead of staying in the hotel."

"You know if we could, you'd be home in a second," Louis told him.

"I know," Harry mumbled as he cuddled in closer to Louis if that was possible.

"Close your eyes for a bit Haz."

"But but what about the fangirls?" Harry asked, fake terror glistening is his emerald eyes.

"I'll protect you babe, don’t worry. Nothings gonna happen to you while I'm around," Louis whispered into Harry's ear.

"I love you Boo," Harry replied.

"Not as much as I love you." He wasn't sure if Harry heard him as he looked half asleep but it didn't matter all that much. Harry was told the same thing every day. 

Louis reached into his pocket, being careful not to disturb his boyfriend, grabbing his phone and being startled to see a bunch of missed phone calls and messages, all from the other boys and their bodyguards. Louis checked the clock on his phone, 5:30! Why on earth are they up at 5:30? 

He dialed the latest missed call, which just happened to be Zayn, and he picked up instantly.

"LOUIS THANK GOD! Harry's gone and he left his phone and we have no clue where to find him," Zayn exclaimed in one breath.

"Zayn calm down mate he's right here. No need to panic,” Louis heard Zayn let out a breath of relief and say something to the others that Harry was fine.

"Why on earth are you out at 5 in the morning?" Zayn asked.

"He couldn't sleep," Louis responded, feeling guilty for making his friends worried,” so we went out to that field I told you about. Sorry."

"It's okay, we were just worried that’s all," Zayn reassured him,” Are you still there?"

"Yeah. We'll head back as soon as I can get Harry into the car."

"Okay," Zayn said, voice shaking with relief," Thank god the two of you are all right. We'll see you soon"

AN: YIPPEE an update. Even if it was like really fluffy. But fluff is fantastic (hahaha iliteration, I learned something in school) Anyways hope you liked it. Please, please, please vote and comment, it makes me the happiest person in the world to know people are reading my stories and I need to know who you are so I can say Thank You. 


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