Chapter 11

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"Harry do you have a six?" Liam asked with a smirk. They had taken to playing go fish to try to keep Harry entertained as he was going stir crazy from the hospital room.

"Goddamn it Liam," Harry groaned as he chucked the card at Liam," You're cheating. That's the only fucking explanation because I'm clearly the bestest go fish player."

Liam gasped,"I would never ever cheat. Honestly Harry."

"Calm down love, it's just a game," Louis chuckled, pulling Harry closer to him and discreetly peeking at the other boys cards," So my turn then? Hmmm, Harold do you by chance have any queens?"

Harry threw his cards at Louis, huffing and crossing his arms,"This is so stupid. I don't want to play goddamn go-fish or Monopoly or watch the Harry Potter movies AGAIN," his voice reached a higher pitch than anyone though pssible as he got more worked up," I'm tired and it's never gonna end and I hate it. I hate the needles and the nurses and the fucking hospital food. I hate chemo, I hate it so much and its not working. I just wish..." he took a deep breath, "I just wish they'd let me die already."

Silence followed Harry's words and no one moved, except to wipe away their tears. Louis kept on trying to say something but words wouldn't come out.

"Harry you don't mean that," Niall said softly, eyes watery as he reached for Harry's hand.

Harry scoffed, voice cold as steel,"What makes you think you know what I mean?


"You can't mean that," zayn tried to reason. Liam's brown eyes shone with sympathy.

"Well maybe I fucking do. I hate it all so much and I just want it to be over," Harry whispered, terrified at his own words. Louis pulled the younger boy tightly into his chest, rubbing his back.

Louis chose his words carefully, "You can't give up. You wouldn't just be giving up on yourself but all of us and your mum and Gemma and the fans. Please don't give up. You've held on for so long already.


Harry sounded broken," I just don't know if I can. Its hopeless. So hopeless."

"No it's not," Liam reassured him, "And even if it was that doesn't change a thing. We all thought X-Factor was hopeless. There was a point when you thought Louis lloving you back was hopeless. Just because it seems hopeless doesn't mean it is."

"But it is. Nothing's working. And I hate it and I know you guys hate being here. Just let it be over already."

Something in Louis's eyes snapped and he grabbed harry's shoulder forcing him to look him in the eye, "You listen right now Haz. You're not giving up. The treatment is working. We don't mind being here and if it means getting to spend time with you then I cherish every second. This is all going to be fine and ten years later when we're finally out and married and maybe even have kids you'll be so goddamn happy. I promise you that you'll be happy. And know that no matter how much you want to give up we won't let you. We need you too much, especially me," Louis paused taking a deep breath," I love you so much Haz."

"You... you think we'll get married some day?" Harry whispered, eyes shimmering with something that could only be described as hope.

Please Don't Leave Me: A Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now