Chapter 10

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 Harry sighed as Louis opened the door,” Last night out of the hospital."

"Oh baby you know it’s for the best right? And even though it is I don't want you staying there either," Louis said as he shut the door behind them.

Harry sat on the couch, tired already from the walk inside,” Promise you'll call?" His eyes were almost begging.

"Harry wha-what do you mean call? I'm going to be right there," Louis stood behind Harry gently rubbing his shoulders.

"Oh. Then I guess I'll manage." There wasn't much doubt about it because Harry was fairly certain he could handle anything with Louis by his side. He had already handled so much.

"Why don't you head up and get ready for bed while I go make some tea?" Louis suggested and Harry nodded as he shakily stood up, clutching the couch for support. 

Louis left for the kitchen, putting the kettle on and grabbing their favorite mugs. Harry's had a messy Hi scribbled on it and Louis's had an oops. Niall had gotten them last Christmas as a joke saying the couple, ”Wasn't cheesy enough yet." 

Louis had both mugs in his grip filled with boiling water when he heard a loud thud coming from the stairs. Without a second thought he half dropped, half put down the mugs. Harry's rolled off the counter and shattered as Louis raced out of the room, heart racing.

He found him, lying halfway up the stairs,” Harry.Oh god Harry what happened? Are you okay? Please say you're okay," Louis said as he kneeled down beside Harry.

"I'm okay. A bit sore maybe but no hospital required," Harry grimaced," I don't know what happened my legs just kinda gave out and I slipped."

"God Harry don't you ever scare me like that again," Louis sat back, crossing his legs and opening his arms," Come here." Harry obliged, curling up in Louis's arms. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, enjoying the silence, before Louis finally stood, still cradling Harry and finished the walk up the stairs. 


"No... No not yet. He can't be gone. You said he'd survive," Louis shouted in his sleep, unknowingly waking Harry, who took a few seconds to regain his senses before notching his boyfriend yelling at something in his dreams.

"Louis. Wake up. Louis it's me Harry. WAKE UP!" Harry shouted as he shook Louis's shoulders. 

Louis finally opened his eyes to see Harry hovering over him, tears streaking down both of their faces.

"Nightmare?" Harry asked softly and Louis nodded as he pulled himself closer to Harry.

"It's fine. Go back to sleep okay? I'm sorry I woke you up," Louis mumbled. Harry reached to wipe Louis's tears away, leaving kisses instead. 

Both closed their eyes but neither could get to sleep. Louis was trying to muffle his sobs and Harry couldn't was heartbroken by the sound of a broken boy sobbing his heart out.

He remembered something he read once, that you'd know true love when your partner's pain caused you double the amount. And for the first time Harry understood. Hearing Louis's sobs felt like a thousand elephants charging at him with swords. Trampling him, making it hard to breath before leaving unhealable wounds. True love was a beautiful if you were lucky and a beautiful pa in if you weren’t.


"I've got the boys on speaker phone," Louis announced as the boys lounged around the following morning," They're on their way home."

"Guys! I said not to cut your trips short!" Harry yelled glaring at Louis and the phone in his hand.

"He's glaring at all of us," Louis muttered out of the corner of his mouth. Harry picked up a throw pillow and hit Louis in the head who responded with a groan.

"We were coming back in a day anyways, we just got earlier flights," Zayn said timidly.

Harry fought to hide a grin, he really had the best friends and boyfriend anyone could ask for,” Well I guess it's too late to change much now. When are you guys here?"

"Hour and a half. We're picking them up on our way to hospital," Louis piped up.

"Does he know about Eleanor?" Niall asked followed by Liam groaning. Harry looked at Louis, eyebrows raised. 

"Yeah well... according to management we've broken up," Harry chuckled,” due to long distance relationships and all that crap. So she's not allowed to visit us."

"Gotta love management. They really seem to care about our personal lives," Harry joked.

"But of course Harold," Louis said in a ridiculously posh accent, delighted to see the sparkle in Harry's eyes again.


"Okay boys when they get here don’t go running off. We attract enough attention as it is," Paul warned. Harry and Louis nodded their heads, pretending to listen and Paul smiled, sure they would listen. Oh how wrong he was.

When Zayn, Niall and Liam came walking through the doors, it got a bit hectic to say the least. They all started running, meeting in a giant group hug, ignoring Paul's protests in the background. 

And, as it is with the closest of friends, the conversation picked up like it had never stopped.

"So how are the families?" Harry asked once they were back in the car.

"Good except you were all they could talk about. Harry this and Niall that. Honestly I went to get away from you lot and that’s what I get?" Zayn added a wink so they would know he was kidding. 

Liam wrapped an arm around Harry, ignoring Louis's pout,” You still doing okay?"

"Never better," Harry responded though he knew he was anything but and Liam knew it too. 

"That’s good to hear," Niall said from Harry's other side. Niall and Liam had claimed that Louis had Harry all to himself while they were gone and they deserved some "Harry time."

"I can't wait till this is over," Harry said with a sigh and the others shared a nervous glance," I miss simple things like running for as long as I want or stressing over my hair in the morning. I miss having enough energy to do whatever I pleased. Just one day would be enough. One day where things were back to normal."

"We'll do anything we can to get that for you," Louis promised and the others nodded.

AN: WOAH CHAPTER 10!!! And at 150 reads so I'm really happy. Thanks a ton!!! Hope you guys like this chapter and it wasn't too rushed. Let me know what you think!


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