Chapter 4

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"Haz wake up. We have to get to the hospital," Louis muttered as he tried to get the sleeping boy to wake up,” Please Harry just wake up so you can eat something. The doctor said you shouldn't go through chemo on an empty stomach," Louis sighed in defeat, before scooping Harry into his arms bridal style, ignoring Harry's half sensible grumblings.

Niall was standing right outside the bedroom door, holding two to-go mugs of coffee and he chuckled at the sight of Louis cradling Harry in all the blankets," Come on you lovebirds. The others are already in the car. We're dropping you guys off then going to deal with management"

"Good luck to both of us then," Louis said dryly.


"Excuse me mister? But are you Harry and Louis?" a young girl, maybe nine pr ten Louis figured, asked the two boys who were sitting in a dull hospital waiting room. She had a red bandanna covering her head and you could clearly see she’d gone through chemotherapy many times already.

Harry chuckled and nodded," Why yes we are. How'd you know it was me with my disguise?" he held his finger with a mustache doodled on it above his lip and the girl giggled,” So what's your name love?"

"Cady," she said softly," well its actually Candace but I like Cady better. Could I... Could I have you're guys autographs?"

"Of course sweetheart. What do you want us to sign?" Louis said.

"Oh I've got a piece of paper in my bag," she said rummaging through her backpack,” Here you go. And here’s a pen."

"Where’s your mum sweetheart? We could get a picture too," Louis suggested and if possible Cady's smile grew even wider.

"Really?" both boys nodded," I'll go grab her." She ran off leaving Louis and Harry to sign the slip of paper.

"Here's my mum. She said she could take the picture," Cady said as she skipped back over, dragging her tired-looking mom who looked glad to see her daughter so cheerful.

"Come here sweetheart," Harry said, grabbing her hand and scooping her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. Louis winked at Harry as he threw his arm around the younger boy. Then without any prior discussion they both turned and gave Cady a quick kiss on the cheek as her mom snapped the picture.

"Candace," a nurse called, sounding bored with the world in general. Cady rolled her eyes before giving both of the boys one last hug and following her mum out of the waiting room and down the hall.

"That was fun," Harry stated, leaning against Louis.

"She seemed pretty happy," Louis added as he wrapped his arm around the younger boy, planting a kiss to his forehead.

"Lou don't there's people and management..."Harry protested squirming away.

"I don't give a fuck what management thinks. They're pissed anyways so why can't I kiss my boyfriend in an empty hospital waiting room before he has chemo because he’s being too adorable for words. Like usual," Louis told him and was delighted to see Harry grin and turn the colour of a cherry tomato at his words.

"Lou," he hissed," you shouldn't swear there's kids here."

"There not listening to us," Louis responded.

"Harold Styles," the same nurse called," we're ready for you." Harry gulped and started to stand from the plastic waiting room chair, clutching Louis's hand in a vice grip.

"Shhhh Haz it's fine," Louis reassured him rubbing his thumb over the back of Harry's hand.

The nurse led them down the hall talking as they went,” For your first chemotherapy session you'll be staying the night so we can keep an eye on you but next time you'll be allowed to go home shortly after. We're going to get you hooked up to an IV, once your settled in your room, which is right here. You can change into the gown on the bed and a doctor will be in shortly," the nurse finished her speech and left the two boys, shutting the door behind her.

"Well isn't this attractive," Harry jokes as he held up the hospital gown.

" You have to put it on Haz, no point in complaining," Louis reminded him.

"But Loooouuuuu. I'll look ugly," Harry whined.

"You could never look ugly. Much too gorgeous for that," Louis said kissing him on the forehead,” Now go put that wretched thing on.” Harry sighed heavily before trading his clothes for the hospital gown. 

The doctor came in shortly after, introducing himself as Dr. Carter. He got Harry hooked up to an IV, saying he'd be back in half an hour to check on them.

"Lou?" Harry asked as silence filled the room.

"Yeah?" Lou replied.

"Where were the boys today?" Harry asked, leaning his head on Louis's chest.

"They had a meeting with management. I was supposed to be there too but you were much more important," Louis said, running his fingers through Harrys's hair.

"Thank you," Harry whispered," I was a bit worried you wouldn’t be here.”

"Of course I'd be here. I wouldn't ever leave you for the world Harry. Because my world is right here in my arms."

"Lou are you a pizza?" Harry asked.

"Yes Harry. Yes I’m a pizza. Snd a pig just flew by that window. Honestly why are you asking this?"

"I was just wondering why you're so darn cheesy," Harry replied with a faint smile.

"Try and get some rest before your jokes get any worse," Louis told him. Harry nodded and mumbled something as he closed his eyes and soon enough his snores were echoing through the room. Louis just smiled down at his sleeping boyfriend who had buried half of his face in Louis's chest.

An hour later the other three boys came in, Zayn and Niall looking thoroughly pissed and Liam wasn’t much better. Their anger seemed to disappear as soon as they caught sight of Harry, still sound asleep.

"Oh god is he okay?" Zayn asked rushing over.

"Yeah he's fine. The chemo’s just has some side effects so he's tired and he might feel sick when he wakes up. But he'll be okay in a few days," Louis reassured them," How'd the meeting go?"

"I hate them," Niall exclaimed, sounding nothing short of furious.

"They set up another interview for us," Liam explained when he saw Louis’s bewildered look.

"Okay..." Louis trailed off, confused.

"The day after Harry's next chemo," Zayn added.

"Bloody bastards," Louis muttered,” He’ll be exhausted. He can't go."

"He has no choice Lou. He has to explain to everyone what’s wrong," Liam told him.

"Oh god no. He doesn't need to deal with that on top of everything else," Louis protested.

"We're sorry. We tried really hard to change their minds. We'll just have to look after Harry," Niall said collapsing into the chair beside the hospital bed. Louis nodded and the room descended into silence, as everyone was lost in thought.

Look at me finally posting. Lol this chapter was kinda a filler chapter but it was fun to write because it was slightly FLUFFY. And I love fluff. Lol hope everyone enjoyed. And on a completely different note does anyone watch glee? Because last nights episode was just.. i dont even know. Lol Byeeeeee

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