Chapter 16

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"Louis wake up! LOUIS!" Zayn yelled as he tried to shake the older boy awake.

"Mmmm go away Harry," Louis murmured. Zayn's face softened as he realized how heartbroken Louis would be when he woke up. It had happened a few times in the past two weeks and each time Louis's realization that he was missing his other half was devastating.

"Wake up mate!" Niall shouted as he ran in jumping on top of Louis. Niall had decided the best way to deal with Louis was acting like nothing happened. The older boy gasped, eyes opened wide as he scanned the room.

"WHERE'S HARRY?" he shouted as he scrambled out of bed running down the apartment hallway, slamming doors open. The two remaining boys shared a look before running after him. They grabbed him from behind, pulling the small boy into a tight hug, trying to help Louis realize what was going on.

"You guys are fucking idiots, he's fine. He's at the hospital and they won't let us visit but he's fine," Louis tried to reassure the others, thinking they were worried about Harry.

Zayn snapped and bent down to look Louis straight in the eye,” Enough is enough Lou. He's gone and he can't come back no matter how hard we try. It's been two weeks and you knew it was coming long before that; it's time to man up and face it. Please come and say goodbye," Zayn begged and Louis nodded, before collapsing into the boy's arms, soaking up every last bit of comfort they had to offer.

Liam came back to their apartment with their suits ready to go and then everyone attempted to get Louis's hair to look better than the drowned rat look he'd been sporting the past months.

One thing Louis would never forget were the way people looked at him. Normally his gaze was met with smiles, grins maybe even a chuckle. But now he was only met with sad smiles and hugs, trying desperately to comfort him. He also wouldn't forget the way Gemma, whom he hadn't seen since that day, rushed to him, collapsing against him, seeking a bit of comfort from the person her baby brother had loved more than anyone.

Louis didn't pay much attention to the pastor's word, choosing instead to figure out what the hell he could say about Harry that would do him justice. When the pastor called for him to speak he shakily stood, walking towards the front of the room.

He started with a sad smile,” Harry was or is my boyfriend I guess. I've heard that as long as one person survives the relationship survives but I'm not too sure. After all I can't propose to a ghost," everyone chuckled lightly,” The memories will survive that I'm sure of. I had a little more than four years with the boy we're bound to have some fun. Like the time... like the time we started on this crazy journey with our three best friends. And now its up to us to finish it off I guess. But I'm not here to talk about the insanity I got myself into when I was eighteen; I'm here to talk about that special boy everyone knows as Harry Styles. Aside from his pretty eyes and amazing voice he had one other thing I was jealous of. He was truly optimistic. Truly believed things could only get better. He enjoyed the sun too," his tone was fond, remembering another day with his Harry," If it was sunny I could always find him by the window or on the balcony, just sitting there. He had everything going for him and then he lost it all. I figured he'd make it after all he's a fighter. He's always been a fighter no matter what. But this was one fight he couldn’t win. I loved him, love him with every bit of my heart and I hope you never doubted that Haz. I'll see you everywhere, from the smiling stranger on the street to the faces of each and every fan loved you. But most of all, when I look in the mirror and see the me that you saw, the perfect one, that confident, sweet one. I'll try and make sure that me stays. Thank you," he wiped his eyes,” Thank you for showing me what love really means," Louis finished with a whisper before returning to his seat next to Niall.

"That was great," Niall whispered as Zayn approached the podium.

"I was crying," Liam agreed solemnly.

After Harry had been buried in the ground, the last words said, the boys driven home and changed into sweatpants and old t-shirts. After that they cuddled up with hot drinks and a box of pizza. They all sat on the same sofa even they could have each sat on their own if they wanted to. It helped being close, at least for Louis, as he could forget how he used to always share a couch with Harry. 

"You okay Lou?" Zayn asked as Louis leaned his head on the younger boy's shoulder. 

Louis yawned, "Yeah. M'tired that's all. Feel like I haven't slept in days."

"You haven't" Zayn reminded him softly,” Just sleep now okay, we don't mind." Louis obeyed, turning so his legs were resting on Zayn and Niall with his head in Liam's lap. No one complained as they covered him with a blanket, knowing this was the only way he'd ever sleep.

They stayed that way for the rest of the night, each eventually joining Louis in slumber. It wasn't happy by a long shot but it was peaceful, calm and despite their sadness they had each other. No one said a word when Louis woke them all up with his sobs, simply hugged him and got him tea. Time would heal what words couldn't.


A few days later, when they were going through Harry's things, Louis found a small cream envelope with his name on it. He wordlessly showed it to the boys before slipping outside to open it.  

Dear Boo, if your reading this it's hopefully past my funeral already. (Or your going through my belongings, if that's the case, fuck off!). Anyway, as I'm writing this, the doctor's have officially stopped chemo, it wasn't helping anyways. You just left for a walk with Niall, and I just proved how spectacular my acting skills are. But none of this is what I'm supposed to say, I actually had a plan, just so you know. Of what to write. I'm not even sure if you can read this, my hands shaking and now I'm crying and the inks everywhere. I hope you can read this. I just wanted to let you know its okay to move on, I don't mind. The only thing I want is you happy. Actually there's two things. That and you living our dream. For both of us because there's not too many concerts up in heaven and even fewer awards shows. Do what makes you happy. Don't you dare lose touch with those boys. They're the best things you'll ever have. They've probably been worried sick about you. It's okay to be sad or angry but don't let it last forever. Feel free to smile or laugh, you look prettiest then. I'm going to keep it short so you don't hate me too much. Don't ever forget how much I love you and promise you'll be happy.

Forever yours


Louis clutched the paper in his hands, carefully running his thumb over where Harry had signed his name. This was the last he would ever hear from his true love. He sat for what felt like hours, trying not to cry and smudge the words. 

The others came out shortly after; deciding that even if Louis wished to be alone he'd know they were there. They weren't expecting to see Louis smiling, singing for the first time in months. 

When he noticed the other boys he turned to them,” Isn’t today a lovely day? Haz would have loved it." They simply nodded, smiling as they hugged them, ignoring the fact that there were tears coursing down Louis's face. It was indeed a lovely day and they were going to enjoy it.

 AN:Now its the end. So yeah my first ever finished wattpad book. This chapters dedicated to the awesomest @BookByBook for putting up with random questions and editing a bunch of chapters. You have to read her book 2018, it's fantastic. Now I shall dissapear till likely the end of July, until I've finished writing A Chance In Summer and am ready to post. I also have a couple other ideas that I want to try so keep an eye out for those. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with this to the end. 


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