Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Kendall and I walked into the house. Vincent was the only one there. He regarded us warmly. 

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Pretty good." I replied.

"Yea, it was good." Kendall agreed.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"I watched Kingsley and your mom argue and now I'm forced to choose. Which I already did." 

"Who?" Kendall asked.

"I want to wait until they're here too." Vincent stated.

"That's okay." I told him.

"I really don't want to hurt the one I didn't choose." 

A few days later, everyone started preparing for my birthday. Kendall's job was to keep me away from the whole thing. We stayed at his house most of the time. One day, we were eating supper. He made it, of course. It was chicken and potatoes.

"This is really good." I complimented his food.

"Thank you." He replied. "Are you worried about your birthday?"

"A little. I hope Henry and Neal don't make a surprise entrance." He gave me a sympathetic look.

"I won't let that happen." He promised. I smiled at him. He suggested that we should go to my house. 

"Okay." We went to Kendall's car and pulled out of his driveway.

"I bet they're finishing the planning for your birthday." Kendall said.

"I'm excited about the whole masquerade theme." 

"It does sound cool." Kendall agreed. Something appeared in the darkness ahead of us. I squinted to see what it was. 

"I hope Vincent chooses soon." I suddenly realized it was a man.

"Viv?" I saw the man wasn't moving.

"Kendall! Look out!" He turned to the road and saw the man. He slammed on the breaks. The man's eyes widened as the bumper almost hit him. Kendall and I jumped out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Kendall asked.

"Yes. It wouldn't have hurt me that much anyway." The guy examined us. "I'm Diego."

"I'm Kendall. This is Vivian." Kendall motioned to me.

"Kendall Sparks and Vivian Donaldson. I've heard about you two." Kendall moved in front of me. He watched Diego, ready to protect me.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I heard about you from Henry and Neal. They've told a bunch of fairies and vampires to come to your birthday." 

"Why?" I asked.

"They want them to watch you die." He responded.


"Henry, Neal, Ronald, and Lydia are planning to kill you. I think it's pretty messed up that your parents are willing to do that." Diego studied our horrified faces.

"Viv, we can't let them find us." Kendall stated.

"We can't hide. If they don't kill us on my birthday, they'll find another time. They won't stop until they kill us or...." I trailed off.

"Or we kill them." Kendall finished.

"You're going to kill Henry and Neal?" Diego asked. He paused for a second. "How may I be of service to you." 

"No offense Diego, but how can we trust you?" I asked.

"I'm friends with Ryan. I fought with Ryan in the war. I'm also friends with his wife." He answered me.

"Do you know Vincent?" Kendall asked.

"Of course. He may be only 100 years old, but he's wiser then vampires who are 600 years old." 

"Come with us. We want Vincent to know your offer and Henry's and Neal's plan." Kendall gestured to the car. Diego nodded and we went to the car. Diego opened my door for me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome." He shut it behind me and got in.

"You don't mind that I'm a fairy?"

"Not if you don't mind that I'm a vampire." We drove to my house and walked inside. Vincent, my mom, my dad, Valerie, Kingley, and Landon were in the living room. Vincent smiled when he saw Diego.

"Diego, it must have been 30 years since I've seen you." He hugged Diego. 

"It has been a long time. But there is a reason why I'm here, Vincent." Diego said.

"What is that?" Vincent asked.

"Henry and Neal have welcomed many fairies and vampires to watch them kill miss Vivian and Kendall. Lydia and Ronald are going to help. I want to assist you in stopping them." Diego explained.

"Yes, thank you for telling us. And If you want to help, we could always use you. I'll call Claudia, Leon, Ryan for help." Vincent reached into his pocket.

"I would enjoy to fight along side Ryan again." Diego smiled. Vincent left the room. Kendall and I stood next to Diego.

"Thank you for helping us, Diego." I smiled at him.

"You are very polite, Miss Vivian." He replied.

"You can call me Vivian." I said.

"I prefer to treat women, especially ones as nice as you, with respect." He kissed my hand. 

I was surprised by his gesture. "I've only seen people do that in movies."

"I'm from the same time period as Miss Kingsley, but unlike her I haven't left the manners behind." 

"I still have the manners." Kingsley protested. "I just don't go around kissing teenage girl's hands like a creep."

"You haven't changed at all, Miss Kingsley." Diego pointed out. She glared at him.

"At least I don't throw my manners in people's faces." Kingsley snapped.

"You still have a temper too." Diego added.

"Why don't you crawl back into your coffin, Diego." Kingsley's face was inches from his. 

"You're old enough for a coffin too, Miss Kingsley." Diego fired back. His voice was very calm. Kingsley stomped out of the room. Diego went around to introduce himself to everyone.  He had a way of brightening the room. 

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