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[hey im still uneducated on disney since i've never been but o well, some things are probably wrong but we're just gonna pretend like they're not]

"WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY, I'M SO EXCITED!" Daniel shouts into his phone as he zooms in on everyone's face. We're in the minibus on our way to Orlando and the guys are surprisingly wide awake. Bea's passed out on Jack's shoulder and I have to admit, he looks pretty uncomfortable. I couldn't help but snicker. Jack cuts me a glare and I look out the window. 

"Are we there yet?" Zach asks with a groan, leaning back onto me. "Ew you're all sweaty, get off me." I shove him back upright. Why did I allow him to sit next to me?

Zach starts to 'pout' and he scoots to the aisle seat. Bea wakes up with a yawn and says, "Are we sure they aren't dating?" 

Corbyn, who was seated in front of me next to Jonah, sighed. "Hey Bea, go back to sleep." Under his breath Corbyn mutters, "You're a lot less annoying when you're asleep." Jonah and I were the only ones who heard it but we both started laughing, leaving everyone else confused. 

I rest my head against the window and watch as the cars pass us by. We're only two hours into the six hour drive and I was already starting to feel cramped. Thankfully I ended up falling asleep half an hour later.


"This hotel is gorgeous." Eben states as soon as we enter the resort we're staying in. Everyone stares in awe. Disney themed items decorated the lobby, my brother had a grin from ear to ear, he loved Disney so I could only imagine how happy he is right now. 

"Yo, T, important question." Daniel says walking up to my aunt. Again with the nicknames.

"Hm?" She asks as the 10 of us make our way to the elevator. Tayla had already checked in online so we could go ahead and go to our rooms. 

"Room arrangements." 

Everyone stops and glances around at each other. "You boys can fight it out." Tayla shrugs.

"Ooh I call Anslie as my roomie!" Zach says in a high pitched voice and links arms with me.

"No way, pal." I unlink our arms and glance around our group. "Jack and I can share a room." Bea suggests. 

An uncomfortable look crosses Tayla's face. "Bea, I know you're an adult now and everything, but I'm not sure if I'm oka-"

"It's cool, T, we're not gonna do anything." Jack says cooly. "Mhm," Tayla frowns but continues, "there's three rooms, each have two queen beds so there can be four to a room. Really, there's only two rooms because Zander and I are taking the last room so..." She trails off realizing she lost us all. 

"You know what," Eben begins, "Anslie, Bea, Jonah, and I will all share a room, Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, and Zach, y'all can share a room." 

I nod, satisfied with the arrangement. Bea rolls her eyes, "Whatever."

The elevator dings open and half the group goes in due to Zach's fear of too many people being in an elevator. Agreeing with him, Corbyn, Eben, Daniel, and I stayed behind.

"No offense or anything," Eben says to the group but looks directly at me, "but Bea is a bitch." 

"Finally someone agrees with me." Daniel sighs, "I've been trying to tell Zach this since they met but nooo, he's 'too in love' to care." Zach scoffs, "Am not! I'm way over her. Anslie helped me realized that she isn't worth my time, I mean did you see how she threw herself onto Eben when he first got here? That girl is crazy." 

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