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We left earlier than we thought. My mother and Steven came to pick us up at seven instead of ten meaning Zander and I didn't get to say goodbye to any of the guys, only our aunt. 

Though we said a form of goodbyes last night I still would have liked to see them once more. 

Now I sat on the plane in between the window and my brother, our mother and Steven were in the row next to us and were both asleep. Neither Zander or I could get comfortable enough to sleep despite flying first class. 

Yes I was exhausted, this was the second flight we've been on within two days, and let me just say; I hate flying. Something I hate even more, unpacking.

All I want to do is get some rest but everything will be different. New house, new room, new bed, new life. 

It really was like we were restarting, especially since my mom took away my phone. Steven said he would get me a brand new one once we're in California, one that didn't have all of my friends contacts in it. I haven't memorized my friends numbers so there was no way I could reach them through call or text. Sure social media was a thing but I'm sure they have way too many DMs and messages as it is for mine to be filtered through. 

I tried not thinking about it as much, like maybe it would hurt less, it didn't work. All I could do was think about the boyband and how they were going to go around meeting all new girls while on tour and how they were going to forget about me. 

I know they said they wouldn't, I know they said I was important to them, but not speaking to someone in so long can make those feelings lose value. 

We were going to be living in the same city but I doubt they would have time for me, they're pretty busy as it is. We may casually bump into each other on the street, exchange a few words, then go on with the rest of our lives. 

That was it. 

Summer is almost over, the boys are going on tour for two months, that's plenty of time to forget about everything that has happened. New experiences replacing old, new people, new faces, I would have to move on. 

I take a deep breath as I notice the plane is landing, we're in L.A. 

My mom and Steven were already awake and heading toward the exit of the plane, I stayed seated, hoping that the plane would start up again and take me home. It didn't. 

I met my mom, brother, and Steven outside the plane. 

 Zander was so tired he almost fell over, Steven picked him up, if I hadn't been so tired I would have tried to protest and tell him I could carry my brother myself but I knew that if I even attempted to lift Zander that I would fall over. I should really get some sleep, worry about unpacking and everything else later.


"Who's Jeep is that?" I ask as we pull in the driveway of our new house, which I had to admit; it was beautiful. 

"Yours." Steven answered. My eyes widened, I had always wanted a Jeep but never thought I would get one due to the pricing. 

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to battle the busy streets of L.A." I huff, trying not to get too excited. I didn't need Steven and all of his money and I certainly didn't need a vehicle. 

"Well why don't you kids go explore the house?" Steven mentions as he opens the front door. Zander and I both stare in awe at the house, it was huge. 

The house is three stories (including basement), it has five bedrooms, an office, a pretty decent size kitchen and dining room, 6.5 bathrooms, a view to die for, a large backyard, plus a pool. I hated to admit that I actually liked it, plus, the kitchen had dark cabinets which I adored.

"Bet you're starting to change your mind about this whole move thing, huh?" Steven smiles, wrapping his arm around my mom. I turn around and look at him, "Nope. Where's my room?" 


I take my carry on bag and rush up the stairs with my brother following, his room was across from mine. 

Compared to my old room my new one was spacious, it had a walk in closet too. 

I wanted to hate the new house, I wanted to hate my new life, but something inside me couldn't. The new house was absolutely beautiful and everything I had always dreamed of, how could I hate it?

"Anslie?" Zander knocks on my door. "Come in."

"It's pretty here." He sighs climbing onto my bed. I nod in agreement. Zander turns his head to face me, "I miss the boyband." 

I roll my eyes but smile, "Eh, come on, you can't miss them that much, do you?"

Zander shakes his head but grins, "They snuck candy to me in the middle of the night, who's gonna do that now?" 

I shrug, "Not me, I value my sleep more than your middle of the night candy cravings, little brother." 

My brother scoffs and throws a pillow at me which, of course, hits me in the face. 

"You're so mean to me." 

I poke my tongue out at him and he does the same. "We'll see the boyband again, don't worry kid." I tell him. He nods hopefully. 

"We better, I wanna meet Logan Paul." 

I laugh and ruffle my brother's hair, "Go to sleep kid, it's getting late."

"Goodnight Anslie." he says before going back to his room.


I sigh and lay back on my bed and stare at the blank ceiling.

Here's to a new life.


authors note


done with this book lol

this was a terrible ending and im sorry

but hey

there's a sequel


ill post the sequel tomorrow with the winners announced in it so keep it locked here bc i'll update this story letting y'all know when the story is up

also if y'all have any title ideas lemme know bc i actually don't know what to call it lol

also if someone wants to create a cover for it once i find out the title? idk just a thought

anyway thanks for readiinggggggg


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