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I entered my aunt and Zander's room quietly in case Zander was asleep, which he was. Tayla sat out on the balcony of the hotel reading. I hated bothering her, especially when she's in her own world, but I needed someone to talk to and that's what aunts are for anyway.

I slid open the doors and sat next to her. It was dark outside but somehow she managed to read the words on each page. 

"Uh oh." Tayla says, closing her book and taking her glasses off. "What? Can I not come out here to sit?" I try to play it off as nothing was wrong but she knows me better than that. 

Sighing, I relax into the cushioned chair. "Why would you ever pick up five teenagers off the side of the highway? I mean, it's completely irresponsible, they could have been murderers, they're not, but they could have been. What if they were total psychos? What if they are total psychos and we just haven't realized it yet? What if-"

"Anslie, what happened? You seemed fine with the guys staying with us."

"I am, or I was, lately things have been weird. Have you not been keeping up?" 

Tayla pondered a moment before nodding. "I know more than you think, but it'll help if you talk about it, from the beginning."

I considered telling her everything that has happened, I mean, who else could I tell? I couldn't tell my best friend because most of my issues were with her, I couldn't tell any of the guys because they're in there too, and I couldn't burden my baby brother with my problems. 

Here goes nothing.

"Well, to start with, whenever everyone thought Zach and I were a thing Corbyn ignored me for almost a week but previously failed to mention his side chick and he was upset with me which is stupid since he already had someone. Then I found out and we're not speaking anymore. And Bea, she's convinced that I am out to get her and steal her man, but I don't even like Jack. To make matters worse, earlier on one of the rides Jack asked me if I had a thing with Jonah just because Bea told him Jonah and I went out to IHop in the middle of the night. Then he had the audacity to kiss me? Did I kiss back? No. But I bet if Bea ever found out she would actually go on a rage and I don't think none of us are prepared for that. I'm honestly just ready to go home and forget everything happened. I don't want Mom to come next week, I really don't want her to come and add on to everything. Knowing her, she'll throw a fit because the guys are here and cause a bunch of trouble and Steven, don't even get me started on that man, literally known him six months and he ruined my life." I huffed, finished with my rant, I checked the time on my phone. 10:04.

"I actually hope the boyband forgets about me." I whisper. Tayla shakes her head, "You don't mean that, I know you don't. You like the guys you're just too stubborn to admit it." 

"I do not, they're all annoying and can go back to Hollywood for all I care." I argue. Tayla smiles and stands up. "Go to bed, kid." 

"I don't trust Bea after the whole drawing on the face incident. She refuses to believe that Eben was the only one who did it, like I said, out to get me." 

Tayla shrugs, "You can sleep in here." 

I grin and run to jump in her bed, "You can share with Zander tonight, I miss having a bed to myself." 

Rolling her eyes Tayla agrees. Tayla walks over to her dresser and pulls out a camera, I watch as she holds the camera vlog style and smiles into it.

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