dirty talk

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i'm a big fan of spoiling, so dig deep into this early chapter!

and i'm sorry, this is turning into more of a porn with storyline kinda fanfic wwkjdmash i'll do better i promise


For every passing day, for every kiss, for every touch, Lauren claims more space in Camila's mind and it's worrying. Especially when she's sitting at a church service and she can't concentrate on what her father is saying, because she's thinking about how Lauren's sinfully skilled tongue felt between her legs, and then she'll find herself blushing as guilt and shame wracks her core.

She still prays a lot, prays for her salvation, even though she knows he will commit the same sin over and over. She's nearly convinced that Lauren has cast a spell over her, bewitched her with her dark green eyes and devilish fingers. Perhaps Camila doesn't have as much of a choice as she thinks. Deep down, she's aware that it's nothing but excuses, but it's the only thing keeping her from drowning in her own guilt.

She's such a good girl That's the phrase she hears a lot of from her parents' friends and the other church goers. They look at her with adoration in their eyes, most of them have known her since she was little and they all know that she's been the perfect daughter, the perfect Christian, the perfect role model for their own children. It's always been suffocating with all the expectations that comes with being the preacher's kid. You aren't allowed to make mistakes, even if you're a kid, because those mistakes are amplified ten folds. So, Camila learned to be as close to be perfect as she could be and her parents made sure of that. Her and Sofia are expected to be little robots when they're at a Church service or when their parents' friends are around, only when they're alone are they allowed to be someone resembling a human being.

Perhaps that's the reason it's so easy to fall for Lauren's seduction, because when she's with Lauren, she feels liberated in a way that's more addictive than any drug. Lauren doesn't expect her to be perfect and she might just want sex from her, but that's okay as Camila uses her too to unwind, to finally be unrefined, loud and less perfect without judgement.

So maybe, this is all her parents' fault for putting a tight leash on her.

A hand on her arm startles her out of her thoughts and she looks at Peter's brown eyes.

"You ok?" He whispers.

Camila realizes that she'd been zoning out during Bible Study. The class is held once a week, every Sunday afternoon, attended by kids and young adults, taught by Mr. Alberts. He's a short man with receding hairline, always dressed in clothes two sizes too big and teaches Theology in the local community college. Camila's father loves bringing him up in discussion when people claim that religious people are uneducated, he would mention Mr. Alberts as an example of a highly educated and religious man.

"I'm okay," Camila whispers back, and Peter smiles, squeezing her arm gently.

She manages to gather her scattered mind for the remaining half hour of Bible Study and feels guilty by how relieved she is when it's over. She gathers her things and is about to leave, but is stopped by Peter.

"Hey, where you going?"

She turns and blinks at him, confused. "Um. Home?"

Peter looks a bit offended. "We are going to the creek to take pictures, remember? You wanted to learn how to take a good one."

Camila stares blankly at him for a moment, then recalls that she'd agreed to this last Sunday. "Oh, yeah! I'm sorry," she laughs, embarrassed. "My mind is a little scattered."

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