A Late Night Visit to the Pod Room?

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Shiro didn't know what he was expecting when they landed in front of the giant alien castle.

At first, he and the others were taken with awe at the towering structure. Its tall towers and clearly advanced model were beyond extraordinary. But a low fear clung to all of them, this was all new territory. A new place far away from everything familiar. Despite this, they were in need of answers had gone traversing the halls of the seemingly abandoned structure.

Why the lion brought them there he didn't know. But everything in him was pushing him to find out. The pull remained strong just as it had when the wormhole first appeared.

Lights lit up along the hallways leading them through the dark. Hunk was sticking close behind Shiro as Keith seemed to keep an attentive eye on Pidge to make sure they didn't run off to fiddle with something that could quite possibly be dangerous.

They passed many rooms and different structures on their path but continued to follow the lights further down into the castle.

When they finally did come to a stop, Shiro let out a quiet sigh. Nothing was here. The hall opened into a circular room lined with tall supports jutting from the walls much like the hallways. It was empty.

Shiro may have assumed too soon however because once they had stepped further inside, three pods emerged from panels in the floor. A cold steam leaking from the cracks. All of them backed up cautiously.

"Are these people?" Questioned Keith from his place in front of the first pod. Its bright turquoise glass blurring the figure inside. Pidge went to explore the center podium that appeared from the floor in the middle of the room. Wondering how they were supposed to get it working. It had to be some kind of control panel right? Like in the lion.

Hunk stuck by Shiro's side at first, but as Shiro wandered back toward Keith, Hunk found himself hesitantly stepping over toward one of the other pods. "Are they dead?" Hunk asked, hesitantly reaching toward the pod in front of him. He could feel the cold air coming off of its surface. Coiling around his fingertips. He looked up toward the figure inside. They were tall though probably not as tall as Hunk, the pods being slightly raised from the ground gave the figure a higher elevation. The pod looked inactive and dark making it hard for Hunk to make out more than a slightly angular face and the delicate cloth hanging around the figure's shoulders.

Hunk jumped away from the pod when a breathy hiss came from Shiro and Keith's direction. The first pods glass surface fell and the figure that had been contained came tripping through the new open entrance.

"Father!" They cried in fear.

Keith being the unlucky person situated in front of said pod, was greeted by a body colliding with his own. Both the alien woman and Keith went tumbling to the floor in a heap of limbs.

The woman though dazed was quick to leap up and away from the unfamiliar boy.

"Who are you people? Where is King Alfor!?" She demanded eyes defensive and weary.

Shiro looked to her in concern while Hunk fidgeted from his place on the other side of the room. Pidge continued to prod the podium, only peaking up from time to time to look at the woman quizzically.

"Uh- Hi, I'm Hunk that's Pidge, Keith, and Shiro." hunk gestured to each of them. Though the woman's eyes lingered on Shiro's own for a moment. Long enough for Shiro to catch a look at her own eyes.

Shiro was momentarily taken aback at the contrasting colors. From the edge of the woman's virus to her deep pupils. They were vibrant with color. Pinks violets with hints of deep blue, green accents and a strong orange ring.

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