Not My Blue Blue Eyes

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When Shiro was younger he was never good at accepting compliments. His ten year old self would stutter and blush when someone called his eyes pretty.

When a girl in the hallway of his old junior high had told him his eyes were the most amazingly spectacular thing she had ever seen he had almost tripped in the middle of the hallway.

But the thing was they weren't his eyes. So he really couldn't accept the compliments. They were his soulmates.

Shiro was never one to romanticize the soulmate exchange, but he admitted that it took up a good portion of his life and he found it invigorating waking up every morning, looking in the mirror to see the vibrant eyes of his soulmates staring back at him. And they would stay that way until he found his soulmate and whoever they were they would take their eye color from him, claiming it rightfully as their own, and Shiro would do the same. Finally being able to see what his true eye color was all along. He would be able to look in the mirror much like every morning only once he had his soulmate he would see his own eyes staring back at him and realize that before he had looked through those eyes, his soulmate had. His soulmate had spent years with his eyes, seeing through them as he would see through theirs.

Shiro couldn't wait to meet his soulmate. He wondered whether his eyes were anything like the ones of his soulmate. Vibrant, alive and so very rich with color. Spectacular blues swirled and cracked like the ice of glaciers and snowy hills surrounding a pupil unlike any Shiro had ever seen. A deep blue reminding him of waterfalls, deep ocean currents, and calm summer days at the beach. Said ocean was encompassed by a ring of gold, so bright and welcoming.

His soulmate's eyes although stunningly vibrant and popping, it all molded together like a music, they flowed together calmly. People often told Shiro that his eyes although stunning and vibrant made them feel relaxed and calm.

Keith, Shiro's honorary brother, had said something similar once, "Their pretty and i'm sure that whoever your soulmate is isn't a hot head like me, so you have your work cut out for you." He had quipped.

It was probably the closest Shiro would ever get to Keith calling his eyes anything along the lines of pretty. But Keith was just like that. He himself had yet to meet his soulmate like Shiro. His soulmate's eyes are such a rich amber. It surprises him that Keith doesn't get more compliments for them himself.

Shiro suspected that it had much to do with the fact that Keith made himself basically unapproachable glaring at anyone that dared enter his personal antisocial bubble of ten feet.

Shiro often teased Keith that if he kept it up the first thing his soulmate would see after their eyes swapped would be a glare. Keith had acted unbothered by it but Shiro had noticed within a week that his glares had lessened to sheepish uncomfortable stares and his antisocial bubble had become lessened by two feet.

Shiro had not brought it up in fear that Keith would go back to how he was just to prove a point. It proved however, that Keith really did in some way wish for his soulmate as well.

Though he definitely doesn't express it as much as Shiro does. Just a few years back, he had begun to to take a journal with him wherever he went, because no matter where Shiro was and as long as his eyes were visible, someone was giving his soulmates vibrant eyes praise. It warmed Shiro's heart to no end to know that others adored his soulmate's eyes, but then it saddened him to know that while he was receiving the compliments, his soulmate didn't even know what his eye color really was. While he was being praised with compliments his soulmate may not be receiving any with Shiro's eyes. Because as much as Shiro hoped for something moderately close to the eyes he sported now, he knew it was a long shot. IT shouldn't had even been possible to have a colored pupil let alone a golden ring that surrounded it in a sea of blue.

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