A Disgrace And a Man of Knowing

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A fog, a cloud of dust, a black veil is lifted and color emerges from his swimming swirling depths.


"Alfor! Alfor! The babies crying!"

A man with ginger hair and a prominent mustache shouted from outside a bedroom's door, banging frantically.

Alfor was quick to rush to the door in only his boxers and a large flowey shirt. Swinging the door open only to almost smack the ginger on the other side. His startled his orange mustache seemed to twitch.

"What is it Coran! What is wrong with Lance?!" Alfor had never been woken up in the middle of the night before, and Lance seldom ever cried. So this was alarming to say the least.

Alfor had been on guard ever since what had gone down earlier that morning, he hadn't even been asleep when Coran had come yelling at the door.

"I don't know! He woke up and he just started crying. I left a guard in the room so that I could come and get you but I don't think he'll quiet down till you're there."

Alfor and Coran began to quickly make their way down the quiet hallway. Their footfalls echoing off the pristine white walls."Thank you for coming to get me old friend. Do you think it has to do with-, with this morning?" Alfor was sure he knew the answer, but he didn't wish to confirm his fears with his own voice.

Coran got quiet for as they stopped only for a moment outside the door to the makeshift nursery. "I believe he was crying out for you Alfor. He does not feel safe alone anymore."

Dread filled Alfor's gut as he pushed the doors open as silently as possible. Cries of a baby now at full volume with no walls to muffle the sound. Quickly taking his baby boy from the nervous guard. Coran dismissed him back into the hall.

He began to rock him back and forth in his hold. The tiny shaking bundle in his arms reaching up to clutch his father's shirt and tuck his tiny head into his shoulder. His sobs continued but his wails had stopped at his father's entry to the room.

Sitting down at a chair on the back side of the room Alfor looked out the thin crossing windows. Looking out over the stars.

Lance had always loved to look at the stars, he would gurgle and giggle adorably reaching up like they were only inches from his fingertips.

But he didn't look to the window

He kept his head desperately tucked away, his white mop of hair bobbed slightly as Aflor hugged him tighter to himself.

"Shhh, ssshhhh. It's alright son, you're safe now. They can't get you here. She can't get you here."

Coran looked over the two with sad eyes. The young prince did not deserve such a fate, and he surely didn't deserve the betrayal of his own mother.

Alfor pondered sadly to himself as he looked out to the stars.

Was there something he could have done better? Something he could have done differently?

The bundle in his arms squirmed slightly. Looking up to Alfore with big gray eyes, swirling with nothing but smoke and dust.

Their was nothing he could have done really, it was inevitable from the day Lance was born. Why his eyes were unlike everyone else's Alfor did not know, and he weeped for his son, weeped for him as he was singled out by the fate of their kind.

Alfor did not believe his boys eyes, He would never believe their lies. Lance was not dust, he was not just a fading smoke or a dull gray. He was vibrant in everything he did.

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