Crash Landing and a Long Lost Feeling

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"Pidge, this isn't a good Idea."

Hunk had been stolen from his barracks after curfew by his teammate Pidge, who wasn't all that apologetic when dragging Hunk to sneak around when they weren't supposed to.

"You wanted to know why I have all this equipment." gesturing to their backpack as they looked around another corner, their deep chocolate brown eyes glinting in the light behind thick rimmed glasses. Making sure the coast was clear before they continued down the hall. "And if you really want to know then your gunna have to come with me."

Hunk made a few half hearted grumbles of protest before crumbling underneath the urge to know why Pidge needed all the really cool homemade tech. Hunk could never turn down an opportunity to fiddle with things. Especially not cool things, and Pidges stuff was pretty interesting.

After hiding in some trash cans and sneaking past the Higher officers lounge they made it up the stairs and out onto the roof. The air was chilly as it always was at night in the desert and Hunk could already feel the goosebumps forming on his arms. Noting that if he should have grabbed a jacket.

"So you gonna explain what you do out here or do I need to start guessing?" Hunk asked as he made his way to sit next to Pidge as they had been quick to set up. "I don't think you would really believe me If I told you, but you did follow me all the way up here for answers."

He looked from the screen that had a constant stream of numbers floating across the screen. "Just give me a few minutes I need to get this night's readings."

Hunk didn't have to wait too long, Pidge would listen intently for a time while scanning over their screen with absolute focus before they would jot some things down in their notebook.

When they finally took the headphones off their eyes and set them around their neck Hunk was already jumping to his first question.

"What does your stuff do and what are you monitoring."

Pidge looked at him with wide eyes, having forgotten that he was even there in the first place, before stuttering into an explanation. "W-well, You see I. With this" She gestures wildly to her set up. "I can pick up radio signals and communications from all the way in space. I listen with my headphones while my computer is simultaneously taking information and changing it to code format so that so I can translate it back later when I want to."

Why would he make a machine that could pick up signals all the way in space? Wait a minute. "Is this about the Kuberose Thing? You go off on the teachers whenever they mention that."

Pidge grumbles to himself, probably remembering all the times Kuberose was brought up snidely by the teachers to set an example. "The mission wasn't down because of a pilot error. That was an excuse because they don't know what happened themselves. The Garrison would lose major funding if they reported a mission failure but couldn't even tell the press and sponsors what had gone wrong."

Hunk nodded in agreement. He didn't like it, not at all, but it was possible. The Garrison had taken a huge blow three years ago when one of their shuttles exploded do to faulty manufacturing, He wouldn't put it past them to lie to protect their own skin. And it honestly sickened him that a friend of his was being blamed for the death of his crew members and a failed mission.

Hunk had known Shiro back when he had first joined the Garrison. Hunk and Shiro had been alike in the sense that their eyes were not the norm. Hunks being a bright buttery yellow that spread all the way across where the whites of a normal eye should have been. Though unlike Shiro, Hunk was often subjected to bullying. Saying his eyes were weird. Sure it hurt, but he didn't let it get to him. They were his soulmates after all, so he would never wish for them to change.

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