s i x t e e n

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"I thought you wanted to have lunch?" I asked quietly as Jimin guided me into the first shoe shop we passed after exiting the building.

"I do," He said, "But I can't have you falling over and embarrassing me just because you can't walk in high heels,"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What about me getting hurt again?"

Jimin ignored me and pushed me infront of him, "Get a pair of flat shoes and then we can go to lunch,"

"I have a pair in my bag," I said, reaching in and pulling them out. He gave me a look that was clearly irritation, and rolled his eyes.

"Get a decent pair,"

"Jimin, these are decent,"

"Then get another decent pair,"


I was cut off as he stepped closer to me, just as a sales assistant came over to greet us, "Babe, let me spoil you,"

I sighed and forced a smile onto my face, "But I don't want to,"

"Tough," His smile was also forced as he turned me around and pushed me towards the woman, "Please get her a pair of flat shoes, her ankle hurts,"

I sighed and followed the woman to a shelf full of different flat shoes. I picked a simple black pair and then waited by the til as she went to box them. By the time she brought them out, I could see that there were already a few photographers outside the shop, taking pictures through the window.

"Don't bother," Jimin said to the assistant as she went to put the shoes in a bag, ""She's going to put them on now,"

Jimin took the box and knelt down, gently lifting my foot and pulling the wedge off. I could feel my cheeks heat up as he slipped the new flat on me, and shifted to my other foot so he could do the same. I lowered my head slightly, letting my hair fall over my face to hide my red cheeks and to protect my eyes from the flashes of the cameras outside the shop.

Getting to his feet, Jimin pecked my cheek gently and paid for the shoes, before leading me outside.

"Better?" He asked as we walked down the street, followed by the cameras.

I nodded, "Thank you,"

He smiled at me then, and it was the first time that I had ever seen him genuinely smile. I felt my heart rate increase in my chest, and my eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" He asked, frowning, "Why are you blushing?"

"You've never smiled at me for real before," I said quietly, still looking at his face. I could see his own cheeks begin to turn red, and he turned away from me,

"I have. Come on, I'm hungry,"

After chosing a restaurant, Jimin and I sat in an isolated area at the back of the dining area, where no cameras were able to follow us.

Jimin let out a sigh of relief as we sat and the waiter vanished, leaving us alone.

"Hopefully after the wedding they'll leave us alone a bit,"

"Jimin?" I said as he sat back in his chair, browsing through the menu. He hummed, not looking at me, "I have a few questions,"


"Do you really want to get married to me?"

He was quiet for a moment, before he turned the page of the menu as he answered, "Yes, I want to get married to you,"

I sighed, "I meant, couldn't you choose whoever you wanted? Why me?"

"My father thought you'd be perfect. Are you going to pick something, or do you want me to order for you again?"

I sighed and tapped my finger on the menu, "I'll have this,"

Jimin glanced at the page as the waiter came back in for our order.

"I'll have the roast duck," He said, "And she will have the pork, without the pineapple,"

My eyes widened in surprise; I wasn't expecting him to remember my allergy.

As the waiter left, I turned back to Jimin, "Why don't you marry for love instead?"

"Why aren't you grateful that you've got a good life ahead of you?" He countered, taking a sip from his glass, "Anything else?"

"Why do you always stop before our lips touch when you kiss me for the camera?"

Jimin was quiet again, before he looked up at me, "Because I took your first kiss without asking, so I thought you'd be happier if I waited until we were married to be intimate again,"

I was a little surprised at the reason, and I looked down as my heartrate increased again. Without warning, I remembered him down on one knee, and how at that moment I thought he looked familiar.

"Have we met before?" I blurted, unable to shake the sudden nagging feeling in my mind.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think that?"

"Because.." I trailed off, not sure how to answer him, and he sighed.

"The first time I saw you was when your father brought you into my office. You probably saw me on the news, like everyone else,"

"I guess," I mumbled, still getting that feeling in my mind.

The rest of the meal was quiet, and as we left the restaurant, Jimin called a cab and put me inside. He paid the driver, and as there was a camera still following us, he tilted my head up by his fingers on my chin, and leant in, stopping once again, just before our lips touched.

"Jimin," I said suddenly, reaching out and gripping his arm, "I thought I should tell you something,"

"What's that?"

"About Yoongi. I should have mentioned it before, but I hope this helps with trying to clear up the scandal,"

Jimin looked at me, patiently waiting for me to speak, and I took a deep breath, "I don't want you to tell the media, because it might cause him problems, but it might help you,"


"Yoongi has never been my boyfriend, and he never will be. We have never had anything between us. We are just best friends,"

"And how does that help me clear this up?" Jimin said, raising an eyebrow.

"Because Min Yoongi is gay,"

Jimin snorted and stood up, "I already knew that, Bee," He said, before closing the door to the taxi and stepping back, a smile on his face.

Mr Park, CEO || Book 1 of CEO || PJM || ✔Where stories live. Discover now