t w e n t y

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"Don't you have to be in a relationship with someone to call it your first love?" I muttered, my cheeks turning pink.

Yoongi shrugged, "Well you were the first guy I ever had a crush on. Don't worry," He looked at me, slightly disgusted, "I don't like you now. That ship sunk a long time ago. And remember, I'm not helping you right now. I'm helping Bee,"

"Right," I muttered, tentatively taking a seat on the sofa up against the wall.

"Listen," Yoongi sighed, swiveling around in his chair to look at me, "You have to tell Bee before she finds out on her own,"

"I can't!" I groaned in response, "She's starting to like me, if I tell her now, it will ruin everything!"

"How do you think she's going to feel if she finds out the guy who she's falling for; who she agreed to marry is you? She's going to freak!"

"I know!" I cried, "I know, what I did in the past was wrong, but-"

"No buts!" Yoongi cut me off, "What you did to us was horrible, and you need to own up to it. First of all, I want an apology and an explaination,"

I took a deep breath and reached up to massage my temples with my fingers. I still felt awful for my behaviour when I was a child, and Yoongi bringing it up again wasn't making me feel better.

"I hated you because I thought you were with her," I started, "I thought you were her boyfriend, and I hated that. I then found out you were gay, and I hated you even more, because I thought you were lying just so you could stay close to her,"

Yoongi pursed his lips and nodded slowly, but stayed quiet.

"I got those guys to bully you because I hated you, but I didn't think it would go that far. I didn't think that they'd beat you so badly, I just thought they'd call you names. I'm sorry,"

Yoongi sighed, "Whatever, I forgave you years ago. Now on to Bee,"

"I thought she turned me down because I was poor and chubby," I muttered. My childhood had been a rough one, and once my mother had passed away, it had gotten even harder, "My father left me in the care of Bees mother while he worked, but even though I was in her house, she barely paid attention to me. She was always hanging around you,"

"I don't remember it that way," Yoongi cut in, "I remember it as us trying to get you to play with us, but you wanted to play with Jungkook. We assumed it was because he was a baby,"

"No, I just hated you," I replied honestly.

"Ouch. Continue,"

"After that stupid school play, I asked her out and she turned me down. I wasn't good looking, and I was chubby, and I was poor. But even though the other kids made fun of me, she was always nice to me. She always stood up for me against the other kids bullying, and I thought maybe she felt the same as me. But she didn't, she felt the same as them,"


"So I bettered myself," I cut Yoongi off, not able to stop now that I had started, "I lost weight and got a good body. I became popular, and I worked hard and built my own billion dollar company from scratch, hoping that she would notice me and fall in love. What girls don't like handsome, young CEOs with loads of money and a sexy body? What girls don't want to have presents and popularity?"

"She's not that kind of person," Yoongi sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I know that now," I snapped, "But I didn't back then. She still didn't pay me any attention - in fact, she paid me less, so there was nothing I could do to get her attention, than to..."

"Be mean to her," Yoongi folded his arms across his chest, "You began to bully her, and set the whole year group on her,"

I scrubbed at my face with my hands and sighed, "Yeah. She started noticing me then, but she was scared of me. She was scared. She hated me. When we left school, I didn't see her again, but I still felt horrible. I still hated myself. I still.."

"Loved her?"

I covered my face with my hands and lowered my head to the floor, "Yeah. I always loved her,"

I heard Yoongi shift in his chair, but he was silent. The silence was deafening, but I couldn't think of anything to say.

Yoongi spoke first, "Just to clear something up, Bee didn't turn you down because you were poor or anything. She turned you down because of me,"

I lifted my head slowly. Yoongi was leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest as he regarded me, "She thought I still had feelings for you. She didn't realise what you did until after, because I never told her. It was only when she started being bullied that I told her you were the one who had gotten me beaten too,"

"Yoongi, I'm so-"

He cut me off again, "And if you really think that forcing her to marry you, and lying like this will make her love you back, you are wrong. Any feelings that she is developing now, will change the moment she finds out who you are, if you don't tell her,"

"I can't tell her,"

"Jimin," He said, with forced patience, "You made her eat dirt. You flipped her skirt while she was infront of the entire school. That one exam she failed? You photocopied and stuffed into everyones lockers. You... Made fun of her mother dying,"

"I know!" I cried, tears pooling in my eyes, "I was a pathetic excuse for a human being! But I still can't tell her!"

"Then when she finds out, you're fucked," He said simply, "And you'd best pray that Jungkook doesn't find out,"



I didn't even realise it was raining until I stepped in a puddle with my bare foot. I choked back a sob as I wandered down the long, empty road in the dark, heading towards my old home.

I had ran from Jimins office after he had yelled at me to get out, not slowing until now, and I slowly pulled my phone out of my dripping pocket, hoping that it still worked.

I realised that I had been walking for about half an hour, and by the looks of it, I wasn't even half way back to the city.

I choked back another sob as I saw missed calls, but ignored them as I pushed my cold fingers across the wet screen, before lifting the phone up to my ear.

"'Sup, Noona? You're calling late,"

"Jungkook," I sobbed, my emotions finally bursting free when I heard his voice, "Please.. Can you come and pick me up?"

The line went quiet a moment, before I heard the legs of a chair scraping across a wooden floor, followed by the sounds of thumping footsteps and the jingle of keys.

"Where are you?"

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