Chapter 3

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Stella to the side >>>>>

7 Things 

Chapter 4

How could they know my secret? No one knew my secret. Not even Stella. My mom didn't even know my secret. I wouldn't dare tell her. She'd freak out.

"What's that?" Stella asked, peering over my shoulder.

"Homework." I lied, hoping she wouldn't push it.

She nodded and grabbed a book out of her locker, beside mine.

"What class do you have?" I asked, staring intently at the people passing me. I was always told that I was good at reading people. I guess that's one benefit for this predicament. I looked for signs of anyone suspicious. And of course the odds weren't ever in my favor, and I saw nothing.

"I have Spanish. Asiento de retrete ." She rolled her eyes.



"Do you know what you just said?"

"Not a clue."

"You said toilet seat."

She sighed, "Why didn't I take French?"

I laughed and told her goodbye. I walked towards the Art room, still a little shaky about that note. Maybe it was all a joke. Maybe it was put in the wrong locker. Nobody could've possibly known what happened to me. It was years ago.. Right?

"Ah, there you are, Skyler!" My art teacher, Ms. Amelia grinned.

"Hey Ms. Amelia." I greeted.

"How many times have I told you to call me Aimee?" She asked. "Do I have to spell it out for you? A-I-M-E-E."

"Okay. Aimee, I get the point." I grinned, tying on my apron and grabbing the palette and paintbrush. I watched as others gathered around their canvases.

"Okay, class. Today, we are going to draw our biggest fear." She started.

My heart stopped. My biggest fear is my secret happening again. I gulped and thought of something else I could use as my biggest fear.

I glanced at another girl in my class named Stephanie and asked her what she was doing her's on.

"I am terrified of cotton candy."

I blinked a couple of times, registering what Stephanie just told me.

"You're scared of cotton candy?" I asked, amused.

"I don't like to talk about it." She whispered, dabbing some pink onto her paintbrush and splashing it onto her canvas. I looked to the other side of me and a boy named Jeremy was drawing a woman.

"What's your biggest fear?" I asked.

"My parents." He stated, blankly. I didn't want to ask any more questions so I just started drawing a spider. Aimee came walking around, looking at everyone's paintings. She stopped at mine and clicked her tongue.

I turned to face her and raised an eyebrow.

"I know spiders aren't your biggest fear."

I scoffed, "Of course they are! They scare me.. With their 8 legs and all." I lied.

She rolled her eyes, "Just last week there was a spider on my desk and you killed it. Do you not remember that?"

I blushed, busted. "Sorry. I just didn't feel like drawing my biggest fear." I admitted.

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