Chapter 7

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I hate how the world is centered around money. Oh look, it's a new shirt at Abercrombie and Fitch for $300. Crap, I'm out of shampoo. Oh look, they raised the price to $5. Don't even get me started on gas money. It seems that everywhere we go, money is the main priority. If you have money, you can buy all the clothes, shoes, and hair accessories you want. But if you don't have any, you can't buy anything. Nope. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. At the moment, I can't even afford a piece of gum, yet the whole pack. Since gum nowadays is a dollar fifty. I stood there staring at the pretty clothes in the window. They were so gorgeous.

"C'mon Skyler." Stella told me, pulling me away from the window.

"But it was on sale." I whined.

"But you have no money." She mimicked in the same tone. I sighed in defeat and carried on after her. Stella works at Urban Outfitters in the mall. I don't know how she does it. Being surrounded by clothes all day without having the urge to buy out the whole shop. Stella proceeded inside the store and up the register.

I followed her and leaned up against the counter top.  

"Being poor sucks." I told her, sighing.

"You could be living on the streets." She told me.

"You and your stupid optimistic attitude." I mumbled, walking away from the counter and over to a rack of clothes.

"Look at this dress!" I exclaimed, clutching a beige lacy dress in my hands. "It's gorgeous!"

"Yeah. Must clothes here are." She muttered, flipping a page in a magazine. I rolled my eyes and glanced at the price tag.


One hundred and seventy five flipping dollars for a dress.

I groaned and staggered over to the sale rack. I scanned through the clothes, trying to find something decent.

"Oh my God. I know. It was all in the tabloids yesterday." A girl whispered harshly. I snuck a glance at her and she looked ready to kill. Her friend beside her had the same expression.

"She's blonde. Of course Niall would like her. Blonde's are always easy." Her friend replied, bitterly.

I already knew what the two girls were talking about. Me. Out of all people, Niall had to tweet about me.  

I got it an hour after I got home. I didn't expect it at all. I let my phone blow up for a couple of seconds before I checked it. I unlocked it and read what Niall tweeted. I read my mentions and the majority of them were hate. I didn't deserve hate. I did nothing wrong. What's so bad about spending the day with a popster? I hang out with him and all of a sudden we're dating? What has this world come to? Everyone judges now, before they even know the whole story. Albeit, I should be used to this. It's happened to me my whole life.

I turned my back to them, pretending to be interested in the price of a green sweater.

"All I know is that he drove her to a school for something. They went in together for a couple of hours then left. They went to Starbucks and back to her house. That's according to @Tracking1D on Twitter." The girl said.

"I hate her so much."

"What have I done to you!" I spat, turning around to face them. Both girls blanched. "All I did was spend the day with him, now everyone thinks we banged each other! What's so wrong about being friends? Nothing! Nothing at freaking all! Now go spread that around on Twitter." I spun around and stormed away.

When I arrived at the counter, Stella raised her eyebrows.

"I've been getting nothing but hate for two days now."

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