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Holly’s POV

Hey Holly” He said, greeting me with an addictive smirk.

“How do you know me?” I question in curiosity, standing up from the dead body beneath me and walking towards the guy.

“Babe, everyone knows who you are” He answered, starting to walk near me. When we stood in front of each other I was facing his perfectly shape chest, I inhale his scent—minty yet with an indefinite smell except I kind of like it.

“Do I know you?”

“I wish you did, Babe” He chuckled. “I can see that you’ve eaten my cousin” He took a look behind me to get a glance of the cadaver placed on the couch.

“I’m sorry?” I apologize, thus for I was still confuse. I look up to see his eyes already staring down to me. “Who are you?”

“I’m Harry”

“Oh” I mumble, I was too engage gawking at his emerald green eyes that I never realized I was staring at him for too long.

“Wanna come with me?” I propose, remembering that I still have to bring somebody back. And in my opinion he seems to be the perfect guy

He cautiously stares at me before giving me an unexpected reply. He gave me smirk before nodding his head yes.

He unpredictably grabs my waist as my lips gasp, leaving no space between us. My breathing got intense as a blush inch its way up to my cheeks.

The moment my skin touched his there was a gnawing feeling forming at the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t clarify , there was something about him that makes him different from the others but I couldn’t tell what it is. At the exact same time his crimson red, velvety lips planted itself to mine, my eyes widened at the other unexpected move after regaining myself I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back, this kiss wasn’t like the kiss I encountered my entire existence not even Luke’s, this was lingering and tender however full of lust at the same time, it feels like the world around me was diminishing that I don’t want to break away from the moment. But my lips broke away when I needed a mouthful of air, I panted heavily as I look up to meet his olive green eyes.

“Why did you do that?” I ask. I never expected for him to do that but I’m pleased he did.

“Just to see what your lips taste like” He smirked before releasing his narrowing grip around my waist.

I didn’t respond instead clutch his neck again and give his lips another peck. “How does it taste?” My mouth fluke into a smirk as I rested my palms on my hips.

“Honestly? Apples and blood” He chuckled.

I don’t know if I should be affronted but I didn’t have enough time to respond to him since I remembered we should get going now. “Come on let’s go” I grab his wrist and drag him out of their front door.

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