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Holly’s POV

I sat there at the border of my bed, trying to reduce the pain I’m encountering at the moment. As the liquid remedy carried on with its job to restore my health, I just sat there on my bed thinking of what’s going to happen next when I walk out of my bedroom door.

It’s been 30 minutes ever since we got here and my back is fairly healing and it might take a few days to return to its normal exterior. The others have been in Harry’s room—mostly Zayn and Belle, as they linger there till Harry wakes up.

Now that I think about everything that occur, I feel like a b.itch, if I was not too obstinate with myself I would’ve been with Harry and he wouldn’t be in this condition presently. For me I honestly thought he was an asshole but that’s because I didn’t let myself dig up and know him but I may say that he can be one defiant and charming guy occasionally, but I’m not exclaiming that I’m starting to fall for him again because the last time that happened it didn’t work out so well, I need his trust before I will start falling for him, but as I say, no human would ever trust a creature like me.

As my thoughts we’re growing concern for Harry, I decided to have a nice and cooling shower, wash all the surplus blood of mine while cleansing my pressured mind and until then we’ll see what happens afterwards. I stood up from my bed, whimpering at the rapid sting on my back, I charily walk up to my bathroom, trying to be cautious as I remove my clothes that we’re tainted with my dry blood and turn my shower on at the same time as my body was met with the dewdrops of the temperate water. My body feeling unwind and dreadful all at once as the water runs over my backside as I bury a growl that was about to liberate between my lips.

After running an excellent and unpleasant shower, I change into a pair of black leggings, plain white shirt ending at the mid of my thighs and an unbuttoned green and black plaid shirt over.

My feet padded onto the cold wooden floor, departing from my bedroom and to the deserted living room. All my thoughts are being complex by now as I thought about Harry. My thoughts sent me back to the first point when I met him, and also bearing in mind the moment we shared together, his lips colliding with mine, the way both our lips motion against each other, it seems like nothing in this world can describe what I felt back then, it was too wonderful for words to portray such flawless emotions. The tips of my fingers caress along my pink yet dehydrated lips, trying to feel Harry’s velvety ones, again, however my actions prevented it to happen, seeing that my fingers lay aimlessly onto my lap—shuffling against each other.

My actions stopped once again as I perceive a sound of a violin, the melody has a mix of pressure and distress, like the person playing it was in deep concentration that he didn’t notice the marks of the violin strings blemishing onto his strained fingers.

Without notice my feet we’re beginning to walk into the direction of my bedroom and towards my now gaping balcony, freezing angel air enclosing throughout the walls of my room. Never did I once open that balcony door ever since I stopped believing in dreams, which was the time my stunning violin broke in two, splitting from the middle.  That violin was given to me by my parents since I was a child, the polished wooden violin, I kept it all these years and then I let my anger rule over my body that my violin divided in two.

I timidly stroll towards the wide opened balcony doors, letting the quiet angel air to run over my now glacial body, I was too determined to find out who was creating such elegant and majestic sound to notice the cold heavens.

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