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Holly's POV

I glare down at the convivial food in front of me, my stomach grumbling for hunger but my body was still numb, the nightmare was trying to take over my emotions but still, I should be in control of my own body.

"Holly, please eat it" Belle plead, disrupting my continuous glare down the food. "Just eat something"

Without hesitating I gave her a brief nod and grab the sandwich onto my hands, taking one or two bites along with it. "It's yummy" I quietly complimented, my expression rather still emotionless.

"I know" She gave me a diffident smile and continued to clean the kitchen counter. "Are you sure you're okay?" Isn't it obvious?

"Yep, just tired I guess" I lie, I was more than awake, I was as if in a trauma or something.

"Okay then" She says quietly more to herself.

After eating a half of the sandwich and surviving a really awkward atmosphere in the kitchen, something or should I say someone sat beside me on the bar stools.

"Is it nice?" Harry queries, bobbing his head towards the sandwich that is still clasped between both my hands

I pause for a moment before uttering a single word. "uh, Yeah" I almost whisper as my eyes wouldn't permit for me to gaze at him.

"Cool, glad you liked it"

My eyebrows furrow in evident curiosity as I turn my eyes to Belle who gave me a sneaky wink, "I'll just leave you two here, bye" She squeaked before completely darting out of the kitchen, I let my eyes travel once again to the dick beside me a cheeky grin rousing up his godda.mn f.ucking lips.

'If only he wasn't acting as an asshole at times I would legitimately sneak a peck on those gifted lips'

My thoughts we're once again interrupted with Harry's awkward excuse of a cough.

"So... about last night" He started

"Don't even start" I cut in before he can even finish his whole sentence. "Last night, we we're just caught in the moment and you we're just trying to flatter yourself" I explain to him, biting onto the almost finished sandwich.

"Flatter myself? Why no!" He dramatically gasps, palming his heart onto his clothed chest. "I'd rather clarify it as a compliment even if I received a lot of those everyday"

I rolled my eyes at him, of course there'll be girls throwing themselves at him most of the time, trust me, I'd do the same thing.

I chuckle quietly at his cheerful behavior this morning.

"There you go, now you’re laughing" He clapped his hands towards my grinning gapped mouth.

"It's chuckling" I jokingly rephrase.

"Chuckling, giggling, I don't care all of them are still synonyms of laughing" If only I could get a dime for every time I get lost within those piercing green eyes and velvety lips, I could possibly buy about 2 packs of human bloods.

Although Harry's unusual behavior is starting to confuse me but I don't complain, this Harry side I still haven’t met and witness and now here it is and I want Harry to be like this nowadays.

His behavior currently as if nothing came pass last night, a night that left me confuse and perplex.

"So, Holly, you wanna go to lunch or something?" Harry, out of the blue ask.

My eyebrows furrow in much deeper curiosity but the heat on my face doesn't deny the warm feeling producing inside of me. "Uhm... sure? I guess, I'll just go get Zayn and Belle" I awkwardly say, as I was about to walk out of the kitchen when both my feet landed on the floor, Harry's warmly huge hands clutch onto my wrist quickly before I could depart from my position. "No, I mean just the two of us, I'm guessing you didn't have fun last night, so I'm making up for it" He displayed a hopeful grin onto his lips, just the touch of his skin onto me can already put me under a spell or either an exquisite curse.

A blush awoke against my pallid cheeks making it noticeable that I'm going red. "Okay then, I'll just get ready" I inform him after his addictive touch left my wrist equally giving me a quick nod and a prospect of his charming smile before leaving the kitchen and fleeting faster to my room.

As I got there I couldn't help it but jump inaudibly to my feet at the thought of Harry 'asking me out' - that's how I see it. I hastily run a quick cold shower, brushed my teeth, air dry my hair, and change into some casual clothing- a pair of black shredded jeans, white skull tank top, a black unzipped crop sweatshirt and a duo of my white converse with my hair tied into a high ponytail...

As my feet padded against the wooden floor and onto the living room as I saw Harry standing over the couch waiting while his on his phone.

"I'm ready" I announce, gaining his attention from whatever he was doing on his phone.

He gave me a smile before responding. "Good, so wanna ride or run?"

I didn't even hesitate to answer hastily. "Ride" I unexpectedly squeak, "Uh.. I mean ride, cause you know with the running and stuff my feet are sort of sore so..." I ramble on, knowing that I get way too caught up staring at Harry that I haven't even notice what I'm saying. "Sorry" I blush, biting onto my bottom lip.

He chuckles "It's okay, come on then, I already told Zayn we're going"

With that we started to walk off down the pathway of the front yard. "Where are you planning on taking me?" I ask, since the awkward atmosphere was starting to begin.

"Honestly, I have no Idea, I guess we'll just have to see" He chuckles lowly, bowing his head down in a slight manner yet I was still staring at him, focusing on his fine features. It's really confusing how I'm lucky enough to hang out with a guy like him, its rare now on the 21st century, guys mostly choose woman with boobs and an ass to begin with.


A/N short chapie, but I'm going to define this as a filler since it’s pretty short and it's been weeks since I've last updated but guess what? I'll update on Friday and I will make it much more longer than I usually do.. :3 - Hope


Twitter: @bubbleshxrry

Instagram: @bubblesluke

P.S I have 2 upcoming fanfics, "Obscure" and "Rebellious" and I'm freakin excited to start on those fanfics. =)


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