* V2 (CH 10) - Chapter 33 - The Professor

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The next two days were filled with the remaining students arriving and with the already arrived first-year students taking exams to qualify for their class grade ranks and if needed to place a student into another year. So busy with the testing exams, most of the students failed to notice the missing gray-haired female with a teddy bear. The exceptions were the original group members, who were somewhat relieved to see her gone, but most especially Albert Cross. Albert Cross was glad that he had one less security member tasked to watch over him. The other students were those that had witnessed the elevator incident and were less than ten students.

On the morning of August 4th at exactly 8:00, the 1st year students were seated in their classrooms according to their according to their class grade. The worst students sat in front and the best sat in the back. However, if one had a visual or some sort of impairment, they were permitted to be seated elsewhere.

The students softly chatter until they hear firm footsteps approaching the door. The students instantly sit up in their seats including Albert Cross. They stare at the door that opens to reveal a gray-haired young woman in a long sleeve light blue button shirt with a darker blue sweater best, dark black slacks and comfortable black combat boots. The young woman carefully balances the teddy bear in her arms that is wearing a matching tailor-made outfit except for the shoes, which are tiny teddy bear black oxford shoes.

The class begins to whisper amongst themselves as Albert Cross shakes his head ruefully. Of all the watchers, they had to choose the most foolish one for him. Well, at least no one would ever suspect her of being his watcher.

The gray-haired young woman walks over to the pulpit and places the bear thereon with the school supplies. The young woman then walks over to the teacher's desk and sits down to the horror of some of the students. Without care, the young woman places her feet on the desk and pulls out a comic book from her bag pack and a baggie filled with brightly colored chocolate candies with M's on them. Without a care in the world, the young woman begins to read and pop into her mouth a couple of candies.

A rather pretty girl with wavy hair stands up at the back of the room and places her hands on her hips. "Excuse me, this is a classroom. You need to leave immediately or I will call the guards on you," the young woman confidently declared. The class expectantly glances back at the young woman in the chair who only continues to ignore them.

"Did you not hear me, you-," the young woman said, but was interrupted by a distinct calm man's voice said, "That is enough, Sally Rider." The classroom glances around and then gape at the teddy bear that is pointing at Sally Rider to sit down. Sally Rider mutely takes a seat as the class stares at the teddy bear.

"I am Mr. Wilkins, but you will call me, Professor Wilkins, nothing more and nothing less," Mr. Wilkins said as he held up a folder in his hand. "I just finished reviewing your tests, all of you show promise, I am quite pleased. However, all of you that aced the exams failed at one thing only, you lack creativity. Those members that are classified as failures, take here, for example, George," Mr. Wilkins pointed at George in the front row to stand up.

The young teenager with dyed purple hair stands up with a gulp at realizing the words that had been spoken during the group exchange were true, the teddy bear was alive! "George here failed at the regular functions, that all of you class A students passed. But what all of you don't know is that George here is a world-class hacker. Where you A class students would pass a test, all of you would fail at hacking into the government's networks. Therefore, I have been given permission to direct my class the way I want it and from now on and I will decide who is a failure," Mr. Wilkins coldly stated causing the students to pale or redden with embarrassment.

"Thank you, George, you may take your seat," Mr. Wilkins said to George's vast relief. George dives into his chair as Mr. Wilkins hops onto a stool and says, "Alright, before we begin, are there any questions?"

The room is quiet until George raises his hand. "Um. Professor Wilkins, uh, how exactly are you moving?"

Mr. Wilkins nods and says, "Excellent question. I am a product of my owner, Miss Starr," Mr. Wilkins pointed to the young woman munching on candies. "My creator is a feeble Esper with a barely registered level of Telekinesis. But strangely, that did not stop her, she believed that if she wished hard enough her bear would come alive and I did.

It's still a great mystery, how such a weak Telekinesis ability managed to grow so exponentially, but the wide belief is that she believed it and therefore I am. That is why grades are meaningless to me. If my creator had been limited to such ideas, she would have never given life to me. And which is why I won't restrict you with such grades either. Instead, I want you to show me, what you believe in and therefore can become."

Mr. Wilkins studies the classroom and nods in approval. "Now then, we will start with a simple formula that is to be cracked in an hour and if not, there will be rewards for the creator and homework for the failures. George, please come up to the board and write a formula."

George gulps but puffs out his chest at being called upon by Mr. Wilkins. George easily and swiftly writes a code on the board meant to be cracked. The students swiftly begin to write and use the vex watch to type their answers. George happily returns to his seat to wait. The hour passes by without anyone figuring out the code.

The hour up Mr. Wilkins says, "Your homework for tonight is to crack the code. If you are unable to, then team up. And if the class fails to solve the code as a whole, then, you're all not as bright as I thought. And as for you George, don't think you're off the hook. I will give you a code of my own to work on."

George perks up as his classmate's glare at him in turn. The class begins to disperse as Albert Cross glances over at his watcher. Not once did she even glance up at him, but completely ignored him. Before today's class he would have been infuriated but now, he was wary. Not matter who weak her ability was, if she could bring to life a teddy bear, there must be something more to her than meets the eye to have been assigned to be his watcher.

Albert Cross shakes his head clearing his head of his thoughts and follows his group of friends out. Once the classroom clears, the next class enters and so forth until it is time for lunch. Mr. Wilkins had no need of a lunch break, but it would be a valuable opportunity for his girl to study and observe. The Academy's cafeteria not only would show this year's students but the rest of the school's years.

The last student trails out as Mr. Wilkins leaps down from the podium and trots over to his girl, who was playing a game on a hand console. Seeing Mr. Wilkins approaching, #017 saves the game information and says, "Well, did you spot anything?"

Mr. Wilkins shakes his head and replies, "Nothing out of the usual. You?"

"Maybe," #017 casually said.

Mr. Wilkins nods and climbs onto #017's lap and onto her shoulder. "Shall we go to lunch?" Mr. Wilkins matter-of-factly stated. #017 stands up in reply and heads out the door towards the cafeteria. Students in the passageway pause and stare as whispers follow them. The news of the living teddy bear had already spread throughout the school.

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