* V2 (CH 13) - Chapter 36 - Z Class

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#017 briskly walks through the halls in deep thought. The situation was too much of a coincidence, but especially that girl, Tanya. Tanya greatly reminded her of someone, but who? Struggling to piece the puzzle together, #017 almost walks into a figure. Turning her body away at the second, #017 barely misses the standing figure.

#017 pauses to glance at who she almost crashed into a young man standing with his back turned towards her. The student has bright murky russet eyes and striking red hair. His face is quite symmetrically ensuring a pleasing face, fair, clear skin, a strong nose and firm lips. All in all, a proud male specimen. And despite wearing a student's uniform of an upper-grade level, the impression radiating off the young man was of that worldly experience.

#017 pays no further attention to the young man, before heading on her way. A charming voice from behind her coldly says, "You should be more careful when walking." #017 doesn't react and continues down the hallway when #017 skids to an abrupt halt as a young man appears before her. Re-evaluating the young man before her, #017 instantly searches through her memories of all student records until a name and image come to mind, Gareth Lockhart, age: 19 and a powerful teleporter.

Gareth Lockhart narrows his eyes and says, "You managed to detect my teleportation, impressive. Who are you?"

#017 doesn't respond and merely tilts her head to the side, waiting. A second later, a fluffy teddy bear emerges from the corridor to their right. Gareth Lockhart stares blankly at the teddy bear walking towards him, who stops next to the silent gray-haired woman. The gray-haired woman picks the teddy bear up.

"Hello, young man, my name is Mr. Wilkins and I am a professor here at the academy. I apologize for my creator's manners, but she is sometimes uncooperative despite my best efforts," Mr. Wilkins said with a tragic sigh. "She was so cute, when she was younger too," He unwisely grumbled out loud.

#017 sneakily pinches his tummy making Mr. Wilkins swiftly says, "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, young man. But we have a class to get too." #017 scarcely lets, Mr. Wilkins finish, before darting down the hallway. Mr. Wilkins stares at #017 who seems in deep thought.

As if inspired upon entering the classroom Mr. Wilkins says, "So tell me all about him?" But #017 fails to react merely setting him down on the desk table and sitting down to think. #017 was so deep in thought that even her brows become furrowed, a rare event.

Mr. Wilkins interjects, "So, it's not because of the encounter with a handsome, charming boy?

#017 ignores the question and gravely replies, "Mr. Wilkins, I need all records on transfers and deaths for any inmates from the correctional facility for the last two years."

Mr. Wilkins stares dejectedly at his girl and grumbles, "Okay, why?"

"I am not certain, but there is something on the edge at the back of my mind. Find the information for me, please, Wilkins," #017 gravely said.

Mr. Wilkins chokes at the sincere request. Disturbed and filled with a mix of emotions, Mr. Wilkins says, "Of course, you are my girl."

"Good, now order me lunch, I haven't eaten," #017 said, ruining the precious moment. "Also, I gave Albert Cross, a week's detention for abusing his ability in the library."

Mr. Wilkins sighs but does as he is asked to. By the time class starts, #017 is eating a sandwich and researching on her laptop, while Mr. Wilkins does the same, teaching a classroom and hacking into a maximum-security facility.


Gareth Lockhart stares down the hallway, where the strange gray-haired woman disappeared with the talking teddy bear. "Oh, my is the mighty and great, Gareth Lockhart in shock. Stop, my heart doth stop! No seriously man, what's up?" A handsome young man said.

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