* V2 (CH 17) - Chapter 40 - Check-in

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Matron Tilly had been eating dinner with her husband when suddenly, an urgent announcement appeared on their VEX Watches. Matron Tilly reads the message, "All students are to return to their rooms and remain there. A drill is taking place testing campus security, please aid us in our endeavor. All faculty members are to remain where they are at unless they are cleared to do so."

Matron Tilly opens her mouth to comment when another message arrives for her. "Matron Tilly: Cleared. Please verify all student's whereabouts within the dorm." Matron Tilly frowns but climbs to her feet.

Her husband, Professor Ibis smiles cheerfully at his wife. "Well, love, I guess I'll see you back, late," Professor Ibis said, leaning over to give his wife a goodbye kiss.

Matron Tilly accepts the kiss with a sullen sigh, "And here I thought we were going to enjoy a romantic dinner together."

Professor Ibis wiggles his eyebrows impishly. "Shall I wait up?" Professor Ibis ruefully asked. Matron Tilly's eyes sparkle as she smiles shyly showing off her dimples in response. Professor Ibis eyes twinkle back as Matron Tilly sashays out of the door and heads towards the elevator to check the first student floor.

From the staircase to the right of the faculty elevators, a young gray-haired woman emerges only pausing to toss a wad of rolled up gloves into the trash as she walks calmly towards the elevator, (having already disposed of the leather coat via the trash chute on the sub-level leading up to the first floor.)

Matron Tilly eyes sparkle as a wonderful idea crosses her mind. After all, she did have the authority to do so in her domain and the dorms were her territory by right. "Miss Starr, would you be willing to help me with something?" Matron Tilly seriously asked.

#017 relaxes slightly at noticing who it was that noticed her. #017 watches Matron Tilly carefully as she waits for the unexpected request to be asked. "Would you be willing to help me check the student's locations?" Matron Tilly pleaded.

"Why yes, Tilly, I would happily do so," #017 sincerely said upon hearing the request.

"Oh, thank you so much! Which floors would you like to do?" Matron Tilly asked.

"I'll take al the first-year level floors and you can take the upper-grade floors. I don't think they would like my checking in on them, but wouldn't protest you're doing so," #017 stated.

Matron Tilly nods her head in satisfaction. Not only were the upper classes easier to deal with, but without needing to check the first-year levels, she would be done in time to spend a nice evening with her hubby. Matron Tilly rushes forward in the elevator as #017 waits for the next elevator. #017 steps into the elevator and closes the door, just as the first wave of security arrives at the front doors of the dorm.

One of the Academy's platoons had been deployed to verify and detain any suspicious personages at the dorms, before moving onto the next site. The leader, a veteran says, "Now, we don't want to frighten the students, but given the location of the computer lab. One of the few routes of escape and easiest place to hide is that of the dorms. Four of you will check the stairwells, while the rest, we will check the floors and check-in with the Matron Dorm."

The security force let out grunts of understanding and begin to move. The troop professionally moves through each floor, pausing only to confirm at the security bio-lock of each room that the registered students were inside, before moving on. This continues until the elevators open on the tenth floor. A gray-haired woman emerges holding a teddy bear in her arms.

One of the security members points his weapon at the figure. "Stop and don't move!" The security member shouted.

The figure stops outside of the elevator as told as the leader walks down the stretch of the hall. "Verification please," the platoon's leader demanded. The gray-haired woman held out her hand showing the VEX watch as did the teddy bear. The platoon leader doesn't react, beyond an obvious stare at the moving teddy bear. A clear beep and scan reveal their identities, Professor Wilkins and Miss Starr.

"Professor Wilkins and Miss Starr, what are you doing outside of your quarters?" The leader suspiciously asked as the rest of the platoon edge closer with their hands on their weapons.

"I was going down to the cafeteria for a snack when the alert came in. Matron Tilly requested that I aid her in verifying the student's whereabouts. I agreed and I just finished checking the first-year floor and they are all accounted for. And now, we were on our way back to our quarters, room number 113," #017 replied.

The platoon leader studies the unruffled woman. In all his years, he had only seen that face on a few dozen persons. And all of them were dangerous individuals. Following his guts, the platoon leader says, "Miss Starr, I am under the impression that there was a fire in your room, earlier this evening. Do you mind if we check your quarters for security infrastructure integrity purposes?"

#017 nods her head in agreement as Mr. Wilkins crisply replies, "Of course, we wouldn't mind complying with campus security. Please go right on."

The platoon leader frowns at the talking teddy bear but follows #017 back to their quarters. The squad members carefully keep their eyes on the gray-haired woman as she unlocks her room and enters first. The platoon leader follows as do two other guards and scan the housing area. At first glance, not only was there not even a trace of smoke left in the apartment but no obvious signs of structural damage.

#017 takes a seat on the cough as the platoon leader surveys the kitchen and finds no lasting damage other than a burnt pot in the trash. The platoon leader glances around pausing only to stare at the ordinary kitchen vent for a moment before moving on. The two guards split up and scan the bathroom and two-bedrooms. The guards cautiously check under the bed and in the closets but find nothing other than, female clothing and teddy bear outfits.

Finished, the platoon leader stares at the calm young woman and the fluffy teddy bear in a cute ninja outfit "What's with the ninja suit?" The platoon leader finally dared ask.

Mr. Wilkins coughs with embarrassment and answers, "They're my manly teddy bear pajama's."

The platoon leader chokes at the reply, before grumbling, "Thank you for your services. We will see ourselves out." The guards move out first as the platoon leader stops at the door and turns around. "Why didn't you say, that Matron Tilly asked the both of you to check the dorm rooms?"

"Did I? I am sorry, sir, but it has been a long day and it must have slipped my mind. But you can certainly ask Matron Tilly and she will most certainly confirm my statement," #017 smoothly reaffirmed. The platoon leader grunts in reply, before slamming the door shut and moving onto the next floor.

#017 leans back against the couch and lets out a tired sigh. Closing her eyes, she curls on her side as Mr. Wilkins stares at her from couch arm. "So, did you do what I requested?" #017 murmured, sounding rather muffled against the couch.

"Yes, I caught her as she got into the elevator. I placed a Nano-tracking/explosive device that will only detonate within a 5-mile range, (which covers the entire campus grounds for the most part.) However, the Nano-tracking device is easily trackable for the most part from anywhere. Afterwards, I left a message for her with instructions as requested and had her swallow a roofie. The drug is an untraceable drug source and she won't be able to remember the events of the last twelve hours. 56 won't know what hit her!" Mr. Wilkins confidently replied.

"Thanks," #017 drowsily mumbled back.

Mr. Wilkins sighs and says, "So, exactly how do you know, #32?" Mr. Wilkins waits, but only hears the soft snores of his girl in reply. Sighing in exasperation, Mr. Wilkins walks over to a hallway closet and removes a blanket. Walking back and with great care, he tucks the blanket around the slumbering figure of his girl. For the rest of the night, Mr. Wilkins scans security feeds and spies on the ongoing of the school, all the while keeping a close eye on his tired girl.

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