* V2 (CH 22) - Chapter 45 - Afterschool Activities

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In the following weeks, the days were quiet as autumn arrived. Nothing unusual transpired, no games just simple silence. #017 was greatly bothered by the lack of movement on #32's part, but she could do nothing about it without a firm assurance of his current identity.

On the other hand, 56 was anything but quiet or much less still. #017 and Wilkins had been forced to run daily interference missions to decrease contact between the target and 56. For all the effort, they were only partially successful as their target was a teenager. And Albert Cross for all his genius was a teenage boy who enjoyed being praised and pursued by girls. What teenage boy wouldn't enjoy such feats?

The only silver lining to 56 were her weekly reports. Thanks to those reports, #017 and Wilkins were gaining a rough understanding of the group they were dealing with. But more importantly, being ready for any signs of movement on their end. So far, other than 56's pursuit of the target, nothing else was obvious on the radar. Which only served to make #017 warier of the situation. Because #017 knew better than anyone else, much like a tsunami, the louder the silence before the wave, the bigger the wave.

The first exam of the semester was coming up and the students were studying in a frenzy. George was one of the most promising students in the classroom and was rapidly growing. Occasionally, #017 would find her eyes on the younger boy, causing the young teenage boy to flush in embarrassment. At which point, #017 would remove her eyes and stare into space. Unconsciously, her hand touches her stomach remembering an old phantom wound.

Mechanically #017 brows furrow with eyes flickering towards the seated figure of Albert Cross. Albert Cross since the library incident had completed his detention and become somewhat cooler in temperament. Perhaps, it was the embarrassment of the situation, but he had obediently remained within sight of this shadow at all times.

Albert Cross raises his sight to meet that of #017, who turns away. Albert frowns, but does not react returning his gaze to Professor Wilkins. Professor Wilkins says, "Now I know many of you are worried about my exam, but it is merely a test of your already accumulated skills. I will have you hack a simple program I will install on your VEX watches. The download and automatic installation of the virus will begin at 6 a.m. tomorrow for your class. There will be no classes held by me tomorrow until the next day at which point the test is over at the start of class, 8 a.m. sharp.

Now don't worry, should you fail to unlock the code, the system will record the amount of work you put in or if you copied information from another. Therefore, cheating is out of the question. Remember I am not testing you on whether you crack the code in time, but rather I wish to see your thoughts on how to do so. Be creative, use your mind. Now, then are there any questions?" Mr. Wilkins asked.

The class remained silent in understanding with mixed feelings. Some of the students were confident and others were worried. Failing to see any more questions, Mr. Wilkins says, "Well, let's end class early until tomorrow."

The classroom bustles with movement and noise as the students gather their things. The students swiftly file out as #017 climbs to her feet. Mr. Wilkins trots over to her and comments, "So lunch as usual with Matron Tilly and Professor Ibis?"

"Yes, but if you want, you can go down to the student cafeteria to be adored by your most loyal and fanatical fans," #017 wryly replied. Mr. Wilkins lets out a snicker as #017 leads the way out. After all, who knew that lunch could be such a blessing in disguise.


The final class period ends, but unlike for the rest of the school, Class Z's day was not yet over. Professor Stark had added a new curriculum this week, practice bouts with other team members of the class. Today would be the first day of training bouts.

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