Ch.7 Beach Day Part 1

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Let me just say that I didn't expect anyone yo actually like this book and it's been about 2 years since i updated and Im sorry about that and also I don't know if I will continue but i try to complete it.
But thank you so much for reading this it means a lot to me.

Y/N's Pov

I wake up and check the clock to see that it's 9:36am
"Oh good you're awake," Melody says as she walks in the room.

"Um yeah, why?" I say still waking up.

"Don't you know what today is?" She asked. Still confused I said no.

"Oh, well it's beach day." She said happily.

"Is that a day where we all go to down to the beach and collect sea shells? Because if it is, count me out." I replied.

"No, its a party King Triton throws once a year to bring the mermaids and humans together ever since.. well my mom."

"Oh so everyone will be there?" I asked getting more curious about it.

"I guess. So what you gonna wear?" She asked.

"Um well on the Isle there's a magical barrier so we don't really go swimming, so I don't have a swimsuit."

"Oh, well we need to go shopping then." She said getting excited.

"Is that really necessary? I would really rather do... anything else." She perked up and gave me a devious grin.

"I didn't know princesses were capable of that," I said to myself.

"So you would rather help me make fluffy dresses or bake cupcakes or..."

"Alright!" I stopped her before it gonna anymore mortifying.

"Geez Melody, I didn't know Auradweebs actually had forms of torture."

"I wouldn't say torture, I would say something you dislike very much." She replied cheekily.
Then let's go.

***Time Skip***

After we went shopping Melody helped me pick an outfit for beach day.

"Ooohhh, maybe you should wear this with this, or this with that. She said while picking up combinations of clothing.

" Okay, how about you pick several outfits and I pick the one I like the most," I said
She nodded and had several pieces of clothes laid out and I chose (outfit if your choice).
"Oooh, you are gonna look so amazing for the party. She said happy and giddy.
"Um thanks"

I got dressed and looked at the time. 2:26 pm
"So what time does this party start"

" Um, around 4:00ish, its still being set up. So have about an hour and a half to chill if you want." She said while going through her closet.

"You're not like most princesses ya know." Said stepping out if the bathroom.

" I get that a lot, but I don't mind. My mom wasn't your average princess either. We both just have a sense of adventure. But enough about me lets talk about you and Harry."

"What about me and Harry."

"Oh come on he's obviously into you."

"Harry is just like that, we've been best friends for years."

"Are you sure, because he's hot and anyone could snatch him up." She said while brushing her hair.

" Not like they could, Harry likes a challenge doesn't go for people who throw them self at him."

"You would know" she giggled

"Oh shut up," I said while rolling my eyes.

"I'm gonna head down to the beach now."

She got up and chased after me
"Okay wait for me, I was only teasing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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