chapter 1-prologue

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A/N: hey guys!, im Karima and this is the first book i write, i have always loved wattpad and i wanted to upload one of my own personal ideas to share with you. here is the epliogue of my story and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and vote since i really want to know what you think of this. I know the first chapter isn't that great because i have never done this before, but I PROMISE it will get so much better as you reach chapter 4 this is just the intro! if you like it let me know and i will be updating regualrly. LOVE U GUYS <3. please give this story a chance. :)

Please be advised that this story may consist of some mild language throughout the chapters. If there are any mature scenes later on in the story you will be informed at the beginning of the chapter. ENJOY! 

this chapter is dedicated to monica4242 for writing the awesome book "just another summer...or is it?".


"MOMM!!!!!!" I groaned, "how can you just travel for a month and leave me here?!"

"your seventeen Leah!, i think you can take care of yourself for a month." my mom answered for the fifth time. She had just explained to me that her and my dad were leaving to visit my grandparents over winter break, and will be back a week after I resume school. We were going on a long holiday to mark the end of our school semester, but it didn't feel like winter at all since we were experiencing a heat wave. 

"but mom!! you can't!" was all i could argue. don't think that i was the type of girl that was always so attached to my mom and couldn't leave her side, but i didn't like taking care of myself, and she was basically my best friend since i didn't talk to many people other than Vanessa and Devon.

"Leah, the flight has been booked, and we will be gone in the morning, now come give me a hug and take care of yourself while we're gone."

i realized that there was nothing i can do to change her mind, and gave up on trying.

I said my goodbyes, and told her to tell dad I love him since I would probably be asleep by the time he got home. After all, tomorrow is the last day of school before the break and I have to do well on my history test. But seriously! Who gives s test on the last day of school?!

I went up to my room and decided to call Vanessa. My parents didn't like her so much and every time I do the slightest mistake, they blame her for being a bad influence, however, it's not like she does drugs or anything, she just dresses a bit....well.. sluttier than normal people and sometimes has an attitude. We are the complete opposites and I often wonder how we are friends but opposites attract right?

"Hey Vanessa!" I exclaimed as soon as she picked up the phone. "guess what? MY PARENTS ARE LEAVING ME" I said in a sad yet angry tone still not knowing what I was going to do for a month home alone. Vanessa on the other hand seemed to brighten up.

"Seriously? No way!! When are they leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"That's right before winter break... I've been wanting to throw a party..."

Just then I understood why she got so happy. "SIA NO" (yeah I know, you're probably thinking "what? Sia" but It just came to me once and it's been her nickname ever since.)

"You can't just come to my house and use it as a place to invite all of those crazy humans we go to school with" I explained, and before she could answer, I added "and no, I don't care if cute boys will be there, I don't need a boyfriend to be happy."

Sia was always trying to convince me to go on dates with guys and is always pointing out people I might think were "hot", but I refuse to go on any date with any moron I don't even know. And from that sentence I think you picked up on the fact that I have never been kissed or even had a boyfriend.

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