Chapter Six.

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Loki had been captured. They have kept him in a larger cell. "Glad to be back in your cell?" Fury asks. He sneers and gives Fury a glare.

Nick frowns and walks out of the room. He walks off to join the rest of the avengers.



I was sitting beside Steve, holding his shield. "This is kinda heavy." I say looking at it, "How do you manage to hold this all day?"

"Just look at his body and all." Tony says,

I chuckle, "Yeah, he's really..."

They all glance at me, like they were waiting for what I had to say.

"...Buff." I continue then pause, staring at the great, wide shield on my hand.

Natasha smirks, giving Tony a look.

"What?" I exclaim like I was being teased. I cannot handle this kind of peer pressure. I feel like a teen.

Tony snickers, glancing at Bruce.

Steve looks down as I glance at him. "What are they laughing at?"

Steve shrugs, a hint of smile across his mouth, trying to ignore their laughs.

"Oh my gosh, don't be so immature about that." I roll my eyes,

"What's so immature on laughing?" Tony chuckles

They were snickering and laughing.

"What's wrong with you, Cap?" Tony glances at Steve, "Why can't you notice Dawn appreciating you here?"

They start teasing even more. I shake my head in disbelief, "You guys are like kids. Isn't he buff? Really?" I scoff,

"He is. But why are you acting so guilty?!" Natasha adds,

"I'm not!" I hiss, handing back Steve's shield. "What's wrong with you people."

"But seriously, though." Tony crosses his legs, "You both would make a great... partner." He points out. Clint nods, "Yeah, definitely." he says.

I shake my head with a smirk and notice Steve hiding a smile. But he finally decides to look back at me with a grin. I smile back at him then chuckle.


"What's so funny, gentlemen?" Nick suddenly comes in, Thor trailing behind him. "We are dealing with this unbearable god for the second time, and instead of working, you're all just taking a good laugh?"

"We're just having fun," Tony says, "Lighten up."

I glance at Nick, "I haven't even heard you laugh."

He looks back at me, giving me a mechanical one, "Ha-ha." He stops. "Now, we should keep an eye on Loki here. I don't like the attitude he's putting up."

"He's a menacing Villain." I say, "What to expect?"

"Yes, he is. But he didn't act so violent back then. He killed more than 80 million people this time. We probably should take care of this guy."

"That doesn't sound good."

"Indeed." Thor says, sitting on his chair.

"We need a way to figure something out."

Nick shakes his head, "If we do the same procedure, he will definitely outsmart us."


"I got something in mind." I protest.

They glance at me again. I should get used to these looks on their faces.

Nick places his hand on his waist, and sighed.

"I could get information out of him."

"It won't work," He says giving me a stern look.

I smirk at him, "We'll give it a try, I got a plan." I sigh, "At least give me another chance. Just like earlier, I was right, wasn't I?"

"You're telling me, that you'll go out there and take that little piece of information out of him?" Fury asks me in complete sarcasm,

I shrug, "I have to try,"

"He knows the approach, we are not going to do it again."

"He hasn't even seen me yet." I tell them,

Fury shakes his head once more, his hand on his hip, "We start tomorrow. For now, we keep an eye on him. And I need a word with Thor." he glances at the large, blond man.

Before they could leave, I stand from my seat. "Director Fury, at least hear me out." I say, "This could work."

He glances at me. Exasperation in his eyes.

He knows I want this bad. He knows I want to stand up for something. He hates it, but I knew he'll let me. That's how he has always been.

He swore to my father I'd be safe. Here I am, volunteering to do something completely unplanned by the best people.

Fury sighs once again, eyeing me.

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