Farce 3, No One Is Left Unscathed

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     "To be quite honest with you," Seineres began, eating at a bag of royal candies as he dawned a sort of odd cape; a sudden thought crossed his mind just then. "I don't think your reasoning for killing Aaroncroft is all that crazy. You claim that Bel Cosmonysus possessed you. Hm. And see, Mathias Johannesburg can apparently control the element of fire." 

Mr. Villus shook a tad in his chair. It was hard to watch him, Seineres found. After all, the room they were in was dark.

The mustached teacher cleared his throat. "You see now? There are deities among us. Gods! I believe that Belenos, Dana, and Appolleo are already here." 

Seineres threw the bag of sweet delights aside angrily. "But what do they want?" 

Mr. Villus took a relaxing deep breath, unabated by Sein's anger. "The same thing deities always want. To make some covenant with us mortals. Or so that top-secret webpage, E-Lunar, claimed." 

Seineres looked down, his eyes had adjusted quite nicely to the dank and drafty room. "But what kind of covenant? And what is this website you keep droning on about?" his voice shrunk to a higher pitch and calmer texture. 

"Gods love war, you see? Invasion. Conquering. Pillaging. Despite there being deities who are specific patriarchs or matriarchs for certain traits of the human condition or nature itself, all deities love war. Our very own God of Sarajevo himself made a pact with one human long ago. In it, he said that if his followers submitted to his will, then their enemies would be slaughtered. They would become a mighty nation- Sarajevo would be a nation set apart. So, as our politics have gotten quite muddy and, dare I say, bloody with those Gretchenese... it becomes apparent that this situation is like... flies to honey. The rich to money. Nurses to the sick. Covenant-making deities to conflict." 

"Conflict? Also, nice rap." Seineres looked back at his bag of treats. They seemed to catch whatever faintest light made it into the imprisoning and imposing room. The mysterious draft also made the ripped plastic flap a bit. 

No one in the academy of Eurodevice knew where this room was, save for a few faculty members... and up until recently, Seineres himself. But now, he was focusing on making connections. Seineres wanted to change the world. He wanted to defeat anyone who annoyed him on his journey. He wanted revenge for his parents. 

When he thought on it, however, a desperately sad thought came to mind- did his parents deserve to be avenged? 

"Conflict. As a theater-fanatic would tell you, conflict is what makes a scene interesting. Plays, musical hymns, and the most fascinating of sports... all have conflict." 

"Hm. I will eradicate all conflict from this world. Starting with the Gretchenese." Seineres clenched his teeth. 

Mr. Villus's hands were tied to the chair. He wasn't able to move very much. Every so often, Seineres had to come in and feed him his daily meals. For killing another teacher, this magnificently-mustached and grown man was to spend his days in a vapid solitary confinement. There were a few tables; old and rotting. Papers from days gone by flooded the tops of the wood and occasionally blew away with the draft of the place. 

Seineres clasped his hands together. "You know, I loved Chloe." 

"Oh, is that so?" Mr. Villus nodded heavily, for a soft nod would have been difficult to see in such absence of light. 

A giggle came from the young Allister, before roars made a slow exodus from his mouth. "I may have never even known she was Gretchenese, had she not been so victim to familial drama. But... alas, no one is unscathed. No one gets a free pass when it comes to the kind of wretched storm that is... family drama, eh? It metastasizes quicker than the worst of cancers!" 

Mr. Villus simply put his head down and attempted to take a nap as Seineres threw a temper tantrum. 


"So, Chloe," Mathias walked close to his friend one morning as they went to school. 

"Yes?" the pale girl turned. Chloe's affectionate stare locked with Mathias's shoulder. Mathias Johannesburg stood just a few inches over his female friend, but just enough to make her feel short. Then again, it's not like there were many other men who were shorter than Chloe. 

Gulping hard, Mathias began to sweat. Was that fire forming on his hands? He'd better calm down. Thoughts raced through his head. Some questions seemed easy to ask on paper, but were hard to pull off once you introduced them in the present. Questions had that kind of power. "If you're part Gretchenese, how come you were never bullied?" 

The top left corner of the girl's mouth slid into a sassy grin. "Because I've kept it a secret. And I did a good job of it with everyone else, except that... fucking... royal ass-licker." 

Mathias giggled. "Whoa. That escalated quickly. What kind of asses does this royal fellow lick?" 

Chloe crossed her arms. "Only the hairiest of asses." 


"Leopold wants to- what?" Bel stepped back as he spoke with the blue-armored man; Sir Michael had a stunned expression to him. 

"The president of Eurovania, Leopold de la Dragonthread, discovered ichor one day. With it, he also found that he could enhance the agility of humans. Strength, vision, and hearing. Some say that after he found the ichor he only discovered its supernatural advantages due to reading up on it. This school's textbooks speak on it- The Wild Hunt, for example, is a story not found far from Celtic lore." 

Bel paused. He chewed on his lip. Crossing his arms and looking down, he kicked his legs under the table softly while thinking. The purple uniform he was dressed in seemed to be getting a tad faded. 

He needed a place to go and think. Thoughts were darting all around his mind and he longed for the Zartrune Forest, where he lived undiscovered in order to think on things. He could gather his thoughts and make his next move. But then Sir Michael threw him a token of distraction. 

"There's a dance being held at this school tomorrow afternoon. It's for the Autumnal Festival." The masculine man put his arms relaxingly behind his head. 

"Oh yeah." Bel sighed, run a hand up the side of his dark bangs and allowing his shoulders to slump some. "I was going to see if Danu wanted to go- I mean! Vitna. Ms. Vitna." 

Michael simply smirked at Bel with a thoughtless expression. 

"Oh what do you care anyway? I can just tell you to not tell anyone her true identity. Isn't that right, Sir Michael?" 

"Yes, God of the Trees." 

Blushing after the fact, the youthful Cosmonysus patted his bangs over his eyes. I wonder what Danu looks like in a dress. It's been a while since I've seen her looking too fancy. She was never much on clothes. And truth be told, I don't think that's changed. 


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