Farce 8, Night's Dream- Friend's Facade

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    "A handful of brutal deaths which stem from that of a serial killer, how awful be they. But hundreds- even thousands of unusual and malignant demises stem from the brilliance of a dictatorship." 

    "Hm. An interesting string of words, Seineres. So now, would you be so kind as to grace my fruit with your touch? I know. It's tempting." Bel responded to his rival's rhetoric with an insane grin.

    "I don't think so." his hands were red with fury- Seineres plunged his knife into Bel's apple while the student had been holding it. 

    "Whoa!" backing away with a mere cut on his right hand, Bel turned to his female cohort.

    Mathias sat, held by a series of ropes against a chair. The ropes were very tough- they weren't the usual kind of cloth. Nylon wrappings had been covered over the chair where Mathias sat. The powerful and cold touch of nylon had been restraining the male student. 

    In a chair that had been forced to be his, Mathias watched his best friend be almost assaulted. The magenta cut that formed over Bel's hand started dripping. There had been a pure layer of flesh which fell removed.

    Professor Vitna lunged her right foot forward. "Seineres, if you don't touch that apple, then the police will be here any minute. I know you already served your time for threatening me over the phone with detention, but at this point, you're looking at some time in real jail. Kidnapping a person and brandishing a knife over them; how foolish can you possibly be? And where is your gang?" 

    "Hm. My gang? They're everywhere. Think about it. They are all the people of this land who hate the Es. But now, if you've really got the cops on some speed-dial, then I should get going, shouldn't I?" 

    Not until you touch my apple, damn it! Bel felt cross. 

    "See ya later." Seineres waved.


    "With the recent beatings of the Gretchenese getting out of hand, do you really think it was a good idea to invade them and make them a part of this country, sir?" There was a younger man who had glasses dawning his face. The man sat by a table; crossing his hands, he bobbed his head in question of an older man. Proud of the colors he wore, the man dawned an insignia on his shirt. The form had been folded as the male proportion leaned forward over a steel table; a bird of some sort was standing next to a lily-like flower. 

    "Mr. Aaroncroft, I wouldn't expect you to understand." picking at his fuzzy sideburns, Mr. Villus held a picture of a young girl in his hand. "When they fell into debt and hurt the international trade system, spiraling the alliance out of control, it became very apparent that their leaders were to blame. They could not govern themselves. What we are doing is a service. We cannot enact any kind of system that would stop anyone from bullying another- that would lead to dystopic consequences."

    "What are you talking about? We would definitely be able to create a system that stops children from hurting other children! Societies have done it before."

    Mr. Villus challenged the bespectacled man's leaning with a lean of his own. He crossed his own hands as he thought for a moment. The man raddled his fingers on the metal table. To his left was a packet of cigars. "At the rate these recent beatings are going, Mr. Aaroncroft? Not likely. We would have to enact martial law. And we are better than that. Now, I personally don't hate the Es myself."

    "You don't?" Mr. Aaroncroft leaned back. "Why's that? You change your mind? You used to feel very different on the matter." 

    Mr. Villus looked at his cigars oddly. "I don't know what came over me. Just, one day I decided I'd rather not hate the Es. And I won't be a part of any discrimination against them."

    "Then if that's the case, would you be a part of the efforts to stop that discrimination? Or just idly sit by? See, you'd think that I as a scholar of economics would detest the Es, but I never have."


    "Well, I guess we saved Mathias." Shrugged Bel. "But I was still unable to make Sein touch my apple." 

    "As I've told you before, Bel- we'll need to keep our eye on that guy. But we have a more pressing question on our hands." 

    Bel nodded to Ms. Vitna, then walked over to his friend. "Mathias, are you okay? It's alright now." 

    "Bel, I keep forgetting things. I don't know what keeps happening, but something strange keeps hitting me. And every time, I forget just enough things to be confused. I vaguely remember you." 

    "This is the second time I've seen him utterly bark out a belch for the clouds to part from the sun." shrugged Ms. Vitna. 

    Bel crossed his brow and flared his nostrils. "What? And then you're saying he forgets every time he does it?" 

    Mathias's visage twisted into a frown. "What? Bel, what are you talking about? I don't remember burping." 

    "Mathias, let's just take you home." Bel looked at how Mathias had been restrained. 

    Touching his hand on Mathias's arm, however, gave Bel a burn on his finger. 

    "What?" Bel lunged back and looked at a bright red spot on his skin. "Mattie, you're hot."

    Charlene crossed her arms over her bust. "Bel, this is no time to tell me you're actually a homosexual." 

    "No! Mathias's arm is burning up." 

    Ms. Vitna's eyes widened. "What?" 

    Eyes of a browner hue and ever-so-small bits of facial hair rising to the surface of his upper lip, Mathias's heart began to race. "I don't feel hot. I feel fine. It feels natural. It feels like how I've always been." 

    "Wait a minute- Bel." Ms. Vitna's head turned to her male cohort. 

    Bel's head turned slowly over to meet her face closely as they got by Mathias's restraints. 

    The female professor continued with, "He burps the clouds away from the sun, and he's hot to the touch. Think about it." 

    "Danu, you couldn't be serious?" Bel put a hand to his chin. 

    Charlene simply nodded, her eyes a deep murk. 

    "Bel, is something wrong?" Mathias shook a tad as he sat.

    "Ma- Mathias. I'm not 'Bel'." Looking at his verdantly-haired friend, the sharp-nosed student shuffled awkwardly in his school's purple uniform. He felt his right hand go limp, even though he hadn't used any of his power over the course of the day. Bel found it hard to keep his feet firm on the ground. 

    Was he excited or was he nervous? Was Ms. Vitna correct in her assumption? What was her assumption, anyway?

    Mathias pushed his head forward, cocking his neck out. "Bel? What are you talking about?"

    The young Cosmonysus put a foot back as he stood. "I'm not Bel. You- You are. Belenus, the Sun God."


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