Farce 4, He Who Lured The Lord

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"Leopold wants to make an unbeatable army. Something that would take over this world and not be punished in response. None of the other countries in the Economic Alliance could do anything about it- certainly not even the Gretchen Isle." Sir Michael got out of the chair and stretched his arms. He licked his lips and looked at his hair in a nearby mirror. It was incredibly straight. It was so straight, in fact, that it had no wavy texture. It was a painful straight; much like a wig of some kind. Brittle. "An army, which Leopold has now called, 'The Wild Hunt'."

Bel sat back and took a moment to think- suddenly, bold and hysteric laughter escaped him. "I can not believe such a mere mortal should so bold be." 

The two blue eyebrows danced on Michael Quinn's head. "My hair has turned blue due to being a prime subject exposed to this ichor of which we speak." 

Bel squinted, then proceeded to laugh some more. "Well that would explain that. Tell me, Sir Michael, how should I meet this... Leopold da le Dragonthread?" 

"I have no jurisdiction in introducing you to him, but I know someone who may help." 

"Your friend Adalhelm, perhaps?" Bel licked his lips and ran his delicate fingers across the palms of his hands. He knew no one else in the military. And save for just a few weeks ago, he had known absolutely no one. Now was his time to get to know the soldiers. It was the perfect chance to make connections within the national defense, much like some of the other families, like the Allister clan, had done. 

"Certainly. Yes. Who better to get in contact with the man than his own son?" 

Bel clenched his fist happily. He was tightening a sort of... idea, in his palm. Putting a finger to his forehead, his eyes went from the floor of the room to his newly made partner. "I like you, Michael. You and I are much alike. Way too passionate for the likes of these laconic and vapid citizens that consider themselves royal members of Eurovania." 

Michael put a finger to his forehead in response as his blue armor clanked about. "It has been a while since I've seen Leopold anyhow. Not since I was knighted."

"Father... you want me to do... what?" Adalhelm was on the phone one evening as he looked out of the window from an apartment in Zartrune. 

"Tell the Generals Mortimer, Absalom, and Cylon to report to me." came the static-sounding response of a supposed man's voice from the other line. 

"But, I can't just order my own Generals." 

There was a pause on the other line; Adalhelm's phone was a bit outdated. Looking out the sliding door which led onto his balcony, the young soldier had a conflicted face about him. The view of the city was beautiful, but the phone he had been attending to as of now was quite worrisome. In a second, however, Leopold Dragonthread replied with, "It does seem that way, doesn't it? Ah, but they will listen to you as long as my name is involved. Thus, do not fear ordering your own generals. They know top-secret information, so they will have more context and imagination than you currently have. I promise. There are sources of information that exist out there, such as a new website which has cropped itself up in recent years. E-Lunar.

Adalhelm and the rest of the E.U.D had been commanded to watch over the academy of Eurodevice. This was to ensure that the bullying of Gretchenese students ceased. The school could no longer keep up with the civil attacks of students against other students. Especially not when it was reported that one boy in particular had been taking charge of the assembled bullying and harassment. 

In order to keep themselves housed and fed, soldiers of the E.U.D were given temporary apartments in the city of Zartrune. Below his floor, Adalhelm could see the famous forest which everyone spoke of. It was a man-made forest; the citizens of the town had decided that as technology progressed rapidly into the future, they needed to preserve nature. It was beautiful- Adalhelm's shimmery blue eyes sparkled as they took in the reflective green and he also postulated at the darkness inside. "Yes, father."


It's been quite a burden keeping up with my school work and joining the army, Seineres thought, fiddling anxiously with his earring as he walked down the hallway of his school. But it's about time I start tying up some loose ends here. 

He walked down the hall and saw Mathias and Chloe with one another. Seineres's next instinct would be to follow them. Once, he had eyes for the Sardain girl. Lately, however, it seemed that she had eyes for Mathias. Perhaps this wasn't exactly true, but no one could deny that Chloe stopped hanging around other girls and started to follow track with people like Mathias or Bel. 

Sein sighed and blinked slowly. Once again, I find myself trying to tail this Mathias Johannesburg guy. 

Chloe kept laughing at whatever it was that her green-haired and lanky friend was saying. Mathias was quite short compared to the other men in the school. In fact, his best friend Bel chased him up by a few more inches. But the color of his eyes captured Seineres. Mathias's eyes were not simply hazel or brown. They were a deep fixture of red and bronze. 

"Hey, Mathias, I need you to do me a favor." speaking in a suspiciously nice tone, Seineres Allister approached a student in front of him. 

The young Johannesburg turned around and matched the suspiciously nice voice with his body perfectly. "Yes, Seineres?" Mathias stood strong but clenched his fists nervously. 

Seineres put his right hand up. "I just need you to take me to the local train station around here. I forgot where it was." The red-headed and caped Allister stood as though he was taking a vow of some sort; he smiled from his wide and pointy jaw. 

"Um. Alright. Sure." Mathias tried to calm himself, his hands relaxing. And if he does anything bad, I'll just set his ass on fire. 

Seineres couldn't help but smile grievously; he kept his eyes on the well-endowed and short girl next to Mathias. Goodbye, Chloe.

"One more thing, Bel." Sir Michael looked at the scars on his body as he began to undress himself from his big armor. He'd been through hell and back. As a soldier in the army, he'd seen first hand of what the horrors of war can do to warriors. Perhaps that was why he preferred the classic sword over the use of guns? He had one scar on his hand from Adalhelm... but many small scars on his face from fighting in foreign lands. 

Bel looked at Michael's skin as well. The two of them were going to find Adalhelm now. Michael knew where he had been staying at. He had filled Bel in on all the details; the gigantic Eurovanian Army was staying in at a local hotel. This hotel had served many different kinds of cuisines through their internal restaurants. It was home to hot tubs and large pools. Quite the exquisite which hardened soldiers deserved. 

"The Wild Hunt -- not Leopold's army in-the-making, but the actual legend -- has been known to take people away." Michael ran a hand through his long blue hair, almost in a feminine manner.

"Kill them, you mean?" 

"Nay. Teleport them to another dimension entirely, or so the myth states." 


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