Save the Citizen- Take Two

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A few days later, during free period, Will and I were just wandering through the corridors aimlessly through boredom, until we heard something. We rounded the corner after hearing metal clanging and harsh words being spoken. Up ahead, we saw Lash and Speed standing by the lockers, innocently nodding to us, arms crossed and smiles on their faces as they leaned against the doors.

Looking past the boys, I saw a light coming from the inside of one of the lockers.

"Well would you look at that... He does glow," I mused, borderline impressed, as I gestured for Lash and Speed to open the lockers, which they did so begrudgingly.

Out fell Zach and Ethan, Zach immediately beginning to brush himself off in an attempt to maintain some sort of dignity. He rounded on Speed and Lash.

"Not so tough when my boy's around are you?" he got in their faces.

I coughed, hoping for some sort of recognition, but didn't get any so I just rolled my eyes.

"You just think you're so big and bad, huh Stronghold?" Speed jeered.

"No I- I don't," Will replied, trying to talk his way out of a situation that could get ugly pretty quickly.

"Will will totally take you on," Zach threatened.

"You better watch it, Stronghold- that mouth of yours could get you in some serious trouble."

"I didn't say anything!"

As I watched the exchange in bewilderment, something that was only going to end badly for Will, the boys soon concluded that everything would be settled in PE- if Will won Save the Citizen, the sidekicks would never be harmed again... But if Lash and Speed won, Ethan got his head dunked in the toilet everyday for the rest of the school year.

I blinked at Zach in disbelief, although he still didn't seem to realise that he'd thrown both his friends under the bus in one go. 

"See you in class Rosie," Lash winked as Speed cackled, and the two of them turned around and stalked off to class.

I rolled my eyes; "Well," I let out a puff of air, "Good luck guys!" I gave them an overenthusiastic thumbs up before following Lash and Speed to class.

Save The Citizen was directly after Mad Science class, and Gwen had already ushered Will off to the gym, so I walked with Warren.

"So who gets picked?" I asked.

"The reigning champions get pick of the two people they want to battle, and as long as they keep winning, they keep picking. But if a pair beats them, that team is now the champion, and therefore gets to pick until beaten. Yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "Who are the reigning champions?"

"Speed and Lash..."

"Oh so Will is ten out of ten getting picked then, basically. Great."

Warren chuckled; "Is that necessarily a bad thing?"

I shot him a look.

"Sorry," he muttered, smiling slightly.

The gym soon came into sight.

"Be careful," I whispered, but Warren heard me.


"I said be careful. I don't want anything bad to happen to you if you get picked."

Warren stopped in his tracks, staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you..." he started laughing, "Are you worried about me?"

"Not anymore, Hothead," I retorted.

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