It was finally the day of the camping trip! I'm excited to get away from the city for a while. We were all currently on the bus to the island that Mr. Aizawa mentioned.
"OI QUIT STARING AT US YOU DAMM NERD!" Katsuki jumps out of his seat. Izuku sweats nervously, "Sorry! It's just that I'm shocked that you two are, you know, dating."
"Well believe it dumbass." Katsuki grips onto my hand. I sigh and lean on his shoulder. My eyes wondered on Eijirou. By know the whole class knew about us, even him. I talked to him before we left.
"Hey Eijirou? Can I talk to you?" I walk up behind him. He turns around and smiled sadly, "Sure. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. It's just that, me and Katsuki are dating now and I hope I didn't hurt you in anyway."
He looked a bit upset, "I understand. You didn't hurt me. What matters to me is your happiness."
I hug him tightly, "Thank you for understanding. You're an amazing guy."
Eijirou's head was leaning on the window besides him. I still felt bad.
"Snap of it doll face, we're here." Katsuki snaps his fingers in front of my face. I flinch and look out the window. That was fast.
"Wow this place is so cool!" Mina gobbles down her food. Kaminari grabs her shoulder, "Yeah! This is gonna be awesome! Also this food is amazing!" Kaminari says with a mouthful.
"I felt like I haven't ate in ages!" I swallow my food. Katsuki laughs and leans over to whisper in my ear, "You can always eat something else."
My flash flushed a deep shade of red. I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Not now." I grunt. He winks and continued to eat.
"Ah this feels so nice!" I drop my towel and step into the warm water. The girls did the same.
"Do the boys have to be so boisterous? I'm trying to relax!" Kyoka closes eyes and leans her head back.
"Just ignore them! Let's enjoy ourselves!" Ochaco smiles and splashes the water around.
It was quiet until Mina spoke up, directing her gaze towards me.
"So (Y/N), have you and Bakugou seen each other naked?"
My eyes widen and I choke on my spit, "WHAT?!"
"You know." She bumps her shoulder into mine. I started to sweat, "I—we just started dating!"
"You know, he's naked behind that wall." She winks. I stood up, "Mina please! I'm trying to relax!"
She laughs, "Alright fine!"
I sat back down and stared at the wall in front of me. She's right. He is behind that wall, naked.
Then again, so are all the other boys.
Dammit (Y/N)! Stop thinking dirty!
I stood up again, "I'm gonna take a shower actually." I exited the water and looked around for my towel.
"Uh guys? Where's my towel?" My heart stopped, this isn't good.
"Didn't you put it over there?" Momo points. I look in her direction, "It's not there! Can you make me one? Momo?" Momo frowns, "I wish I could, but I need to save my energy for tomorrow. Sorry (Y/N)."

Devotion ↠ Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Fanfiction(Y/N) is a new student at UA high. She moved away with her dad a few years ago after her mom disappeared. While she lived here, her two friends Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou were always with her. They were both devastated when she left, but now...