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Katsuki's POV

I kept stealing glances at (Y/N) throughout class. She payed close attention to what Aizawa was saying. Her (H/C) laid perfectly over her shoulders, her (E/C) eyes scanned the board, her pen tapped lightly on her paper—

"Um are you okay?"

I snap out of my trance, not realizing she was watching me stare at her.

"Uh y-yeah I'm fine." I stammer. She shrugs and looks away. I sigh deeply and lean my head on my palm.


"Hey, (Y/N)?" Deku, Kirishima, and I catch up to (Y/N) after class. We made a plan to bring her to certain places and show her pictures to try and regain her memory.

She turns around and smiles, "Hey guys."

"Listen, we want to help you get your memory back." Kirishima says. She looks at us confused, "What are you talking about?"

I sigh, "How about we go to the park?"

She looks at the three of us and thought for a moment. I gripped onto my bag tightly, waiting for her answer.

"Sure." She shrugs and smiles. I sigh with relief and lead the way. I overheard her and Kirishima talking up a storm behind me.

"Looks like they get along well." Deku mumbles. I grit my teeth, trying my best not to scream.

"Here we are!" Deku puts his bag down on a bench. (Y/N) looked around and smiled.

"It's nice."

"Have any good memories here?" Kirishima asks her. She puts her hand on her chin and shook her head.

"I don't think I've ever been here before."

My heart shattered, "Not even from when you were younger?"

She shook her head no. Kirishima pointed at the monkey bars, "Not even this?"

She tilted her head, "No, but that looks like fun!" She ran towards the monkey bars and started to climb them. She sat on top, not realizing that the three of us had a good view of her panties. She looked down and noticed our burning red faces. Her eyes water as she quickly covered herself up, which made her stumble and fall. Kirishima held out his arms and caught her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as her eyes were squeezed shut.

"Thanks Kirishima!" She chuckles as he set her down.

"Yeah, no problem." He gives her a fake smile, then looks at me and Deku.

"Do you mind giving us a second (Y/N)?" Deku grabs Kirishima and I's arms and dragged us away.

"This definitely isn't the (Y/N) we know." He starts.

"She doesn't call me by my first name anymore huh?" Kirishima murmurs sadly.

"Plus she doesn't even remember the damn park." I clench my fists.

"What do we do?" Deku asks while looking back at (Y/N), giving her a thumbs up. She smiles and gives one back.

"Let me talk to her." I stomp over to her.

"Kacchan I don't think that's a good idea—"

"Shut up you damn nerd!" I walk over to (Y/N) and gently grab her arm. She gasped and looked up at me.

"So you're saying you don't remember this park at all?" I furrow my eyebrows. She shook her head, "Sorry but no."

I grunt and bit my lip. She tilted her head, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" I turn my back towards her. Deku and Kirishima interrupted our small moment.

"We should head home guys." Deku mumbles.

"Good idea, my dad is probably worried sick!" (Y/N) laughs but quickly stops when she saw that none of us laughed.

"Um—well—I'll see you guys tomorrow." She waves and walks away. The three of us stood there in silence.

"(Y/N) wait!" Deku grabbed her shoulder. She turned around with raised eyebrows. Deku took out his phone and pulled up a picture of us from when we were little.

"This is me, you, and Kacchan when we were little kids at this very park." He hands the phone to her. (Y/N) stared at the picture. Kirishima and I watched as she stared continuously at the photo.

"I️-I️ don't remember this. Are you sure that's me? You could've mistaken me for another girl—"

"It is you!" I scream. She jumps and looks at me.

"I remember that day. That's the day you and I both for our quirks. We used to tease each other about whose quirk is better." I mumble. She stares at me, then looks back at the picture.

"Oh would you look at the time! I better get going!" She hands Deku the phone and marches off. I clench my shaking fists.

"Nothings working." I growl.

"It's only been a day Kacchan, give her some time."

"NO! I️ WANT THE OLD (Y/N) BACK!" I cried out, "She's all I️ want." I trail off.

"Midoriya's right; she isn't going to get her memory back over night. We should give her time." Kirishima adds.

"Whatever." I sneer and walk away while wiping my tears. Deku and Kirishima watched me leave in silence.

The Next Day

I knock on the wooden door to (Y/N)'s house. Once school was over, I ran as fast as I could so I can arrive at (Y/N)'s house before her.

"Katsuki?" (Y/N)'s dad smiles once he opens the door. His smile fades once he saw my tired eyes.

"She doesn't remember me." I start. His breath hitched.

I continued, "She doesn't remember anyone."

(Y/N)'s dad lets me inside and we both took a seat on the couch.

"I know. She doesn't even know about her mother." He says.

"We brought her to the park and showed her pictures in order to regain her memory, but she doesn't remember anything."


Our heads shot up at (Y/N), who had just entered the living room.

"Oh, hey Bakugou." She smiles. I look down at my hands. I couldn't bare to see her smile, and I'm not used to her calling me by my last name.

"(Y/N), would you mind giving us a moment?" (Y/N)'s dad gives her a fake smile. (Y/N) nods and gives me one last glance before heading upstairs.

"I just...don't know what to do." I grip onto my pants.

"I'm sorry Katsuki." He pats my back, "You can go talk to her if you want?"

I shook my head, "I'm going home."

I was about to leave but (Y/N)'s voice stopped me.

"Bakugou! Since you're here, do you mind helping me with homework?"

I turn around. She stood on the steps with a hopeful smile on her face. How could I say no?

"Um sure." I look at her dad, who nodded with a smile. I follow behind her as we went to her room. I bit my lip, remembering the last time I was here. I watched as she took her jacket off and threw it on her bed.

"So what I needed help with was—"

Before she could finish her sentence, I grab her face and kiss her. Her eyes were wide once I pulled away. She stayed like that which worried me.

"(Y/N)? You okay?"

She grabs her head and crouches down. Her body started shaking. I kneel down and rub her back.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?!"

She finally stopped shaking and slowly looked up at me.


Devotion ↠ Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now