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"What do you mean who am I? I'm your boyfriend remember! Stop messing around (Y/N)." I nervously chuckle and rolled off of her. She stood up and wiped her skirt.

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm new here. I'm so confused!" She places her head in her hands. Each and every one of us was shocked. Deku walked out of the crowd and fiddled with his fingers.

"(Y/N), did you...lose your memory?"

My breath hitched. So many thoughts were running through my head. Right now I felt happy, sad, angry, and confused all at the same time.

"Lose my memory? I don't know what you're talking about." She scratched her neck. Just then, Aizawa and All Might walked into the room.

"(Y/N), why don't you go see the principle? So he can show you around." All Might grabbed her shoulders. She nodded and left without looking back. My eyes were still wide and still looking at the spot where she just was.

"Listen up everyone. Last night, some how (Y/N) woke up. Recovery Girl was just as confused as us; she didn't do anything to make her wake up. It's unexplainable really. She was dead, and now she's alive. We're still trying to figure out what happened."

"So, when she woke up...she lost her memory?" Kirishima asks. Tears were still in his eyes.

"Yes. All she remembers is her family, her name, and wanting to become a hero. She doesn't even know about her mother's death; she still believes that she's missing." All Might answers. All of us stayed quiet.

I clenched my fists, "She doesn't know who I am." I mumbled.

"She doesn't know who any of us are." Deku cries silently.

"Hopefully we'll find out soon what caused her to live again." Aizawa says.

My jaw tightened and tears spilled. My knees dropped to the ground and I slammed my fist against the floor.

"AHHH!" I scream. Kirishima kneels down and rubs my back.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU BASTARD!" I push him off.

"Bakugou, she's alive! Why are you so upset?" Kaminari shrugs. I lifted my head up and glared at him with my teary eyes, "BECAUSE SHE LOST HER DAMN MEMORY DAMMIT! SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER ANY MOMENTS WE SHARED! I'M NOT EVEN HER BOYFRIEND ANYMORE! THIS IS SO UNFAIR!" I cried.

"There's only one thing to do then." Kirishima says. I wipe my eyes and waited for him to speak. He looks down, then looks at me.

"We'll help her regain her memory." He says. I stood up, "How so?"

"We'll take her to places she's been to, show her pictures! Hopefully she'll remember soon." He trails off. I didn't respond.

"I'm back." The door slid open and there stood (Y/N). She was now smiling brightly. My heart melted.

Third person POV

"Do you have any idea of what happened?" Aizawa leaned against the wall. All Might, and (Y/N)'s father leaned over Recovery Girl and the doctor.

"No clue." The doctor spoke. He looked at his clipboard.

"We were positive that she was dead; we ran dozens of tests."

"It's weird that she lost her memory though." All Might says.

"It's possible that she was in a coma. After using all that power, I don't see why she wouldn't lose her memory." Recovery Girl exclaims.

"Is there anyway to get her memory back?" (Y/N)'s father held his hands together tightly.

"I'm afraid not. The best option is to show her pictures and videos." The doctor responds. (Y/N)'s father nodded, "I'm just so glad that she's alive."

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