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"I warned her." Recovery Girl sat on her chair. Her frown grew.

I gave her a scowl. I had no more tears left. (Y/N) was currently laying in the hospital bed.

"We just got here and that's all you have to say!?" I stomp towards her. Aizawa grabs my shoulder, "Let her do what she has to do in order to save (Y/N)."

"She is unconscious, for now. I'm surprised. All of you leave quickly so I can perform surgery. If we wait any longer she could die!" Recovery Girl waves her cane at us. I gave (Y/N) one more look.

"Please be alive, you idiot." I whisper before leaving the room.


"Young Kirishima is unconscious but young Noko is alright, she's just resting. They'll be okay." All Might approaches us.  He was in his weak form. Earlier in his fight with the boss villain, he lost his power.

All Might was fighting the boss villain. Everyone in the city watched on the big screen. Now that I think about it, none of this would've ever happened if I wasn't kidnapped.

"Yes, show the world your true form." The boss villain says. All Might glared at him with anger and threw one more punch.


The ground shook as he landed the hit. It was quiet for a while. Everyone waited anxiously for the smoke to clear. One it did, All Might stood with his arm in the air. The entire crowd cheered. Suddenly, he points in the direction of the camera.

"Now, it's your turn."

We all sat in the waiting room quietly; no one said a word. All you can hear was the sound of my foot tapping against the tiled floor.

"I hope she makes it." Deku rubs his eyes. I grit my teeth, "Of course she'll make it!"

"Bakugou." Aizawa warns. I did a 'tch' and sat back in my chair.

"I can't believe she used that power again, even after she was told that it would kill her." Ashido wrapped her arms around herself. Uraraka rubs her back for comfort.

"She was able to kill Raiden, but it costed her life." Todoroki ran his hands through his hair.

I pressed my lips together into a thin line while listening to the others comment.

"Whether she makes it or not, she'll always be an amazing hero."

We all look up at Maya, who just walked into the room with crutches. Her leg was bandaged up. She must've injured herself when she was under the drug.

My lip started to quiver and my breathing quickened. I darted my eyes at her.

"Just shut up, all of you. I don't wanna hear another word."


"I said shut up dammit!" I stood up and charged out of the waiting room. I went outside to get some fresh air. My breathing slowed down finally.

"Why did it have to end like this." My voice shook as I whisper to myself. My anger rose, causing my fist to shake. My breathing stops once a hand lands on my shoulder. I turn my head and quickly scowled.


"What do you want Deku?" I snarl. He puts his hands in his pockets. His eyes were red and his cheeks were stained with tears.

"It's (Y/N)."

My eyes widen. I push him aside and ran inside towards (Y/N)'s room. Everyone was standing in there, crying. Recovery Girl bowed her head.

Devotion ↠ Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now