Chapter 8-The forest

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"What do you mean I don't exist?" I felt my voice raise. "It should have identified you as human but...," the Doctor looks at me with worry in his eyes. "It's just a machine. Machines are wrong sometimes," I feel the ache in my head grow. "Daisy," he reaches out his hand and I flinch away. "You don't know anything about me! It's just a stupid ma-" I groan as the pain in my head starts to grow. "Dammit," I mutter as I hold my head in my hands. "Daisy? What's wrong?"

I feel him rush to me and my surroundings start to spin, the feeling in my limbs start to fade.

I feel the pain in my head suddenly disappear, and I feel my balance come back to me. I let out a sigh and let my hands fall. I suddenly realize the difference in sound and look up to see tall oak trees tower over my head. "Where the hell am I?" I mumble. In front of me lies a wide river with rushing water running through it. I let myself sit down on the soft grass and I listen to the birds sing in the trees. I spotted a perky daisy a few feet away from me and I smile, leaning over to pull it out of the ground. My fingertips touch the soft petals and I feel a strong shock run up through my arm. I jump back and hold my arm close to me. "You always did try to pick the flowers," I jump in surprise as a voice echoes through the forest. "Hello?" I quickly get up and call out. "Who's there?" I demand. No answer.

"Look," I hear a whisper behind me and I whip my head around. A white door stands in front of me, one that was clearly not there before. "Okay, totally not creepy," I mumble to myself and inch towards the door, placing my hand on the silver handle. I pull open the door and see nothing but black. I quickly glance around the door to see the back and see that bricks stood in the back stacked on top of another with chunks of cement reaching out through the cracks. "What the hell," I breathe. I stare into the dark void that lay through the doorway and feel a haunted feeling overcome me. I suddenly feel something grip my arm and I shriek, looking down to see a disfigured hand reaching out through the darkness. Before I can react, the hand gives a hard tug, and I feel myself get pulled into the void.


I gasp and open my eyes. I'm back in the TARDIS and a very concerned Doctor stands in front of me with his hands firmly placed on my shoulders. "Are you okay?" I take in a shaky breath and nod. "Did you see that?! I was in-in a forest and there was a door and a creepy hand and-and..." I feel my chest tighten and my breaths come in shorter. "Daisy, just breathe. You're fine," he places a hand on my forearm and tugs me closer to him. "What are you doing?" I grumble. "Let me help," he tells me. "No," I growl back. He ignores my protest and brings me closer to him and wraps his arms around me. "I'm fine," I stand with my arms hanging by my sides, refusing to hug him back. "Sure you are," he says. I huff and think about the lucid experience I had. It seemed too real to be a dream but too crazy to be real. "Now, tell me what happened. And no freaking out this time," he orders. I mimic his tone before continuing. "I had a headache and then all of a sudden I was in fairyland. Then I hear weird voices and I turn around and there's this door that wasn't there before. So I go to open it and there's nothing inside. It's just black. And then this ugly, burnt hand reaches through and pulls me in and then I open my eyes and I'm back here," my voice comes out a tiny bit muffled since my face was still pressed up against his coat. "Hm," he muses and pulls away from me. "Can I try something?" I nod at his request and watch him place his fingertips against my my temples. "Will it hurt?"

"No. Hopefully," he closes his eyes and concentrates. "Do I have to close my eyes too?" He ignores my question and I end up closing my eyes anyway. A tingling sensation spreads through my head, sending a cold shiver down my spine. "Sorry," the Doctor mumbles. Nothing happens for a moment and we just stand there, when suddenly I feel the same sharp pain I had felt earlier and a gust of wind. I open my eyes and see out of my peripheral vision, I see the familiar pattern of the trees. "We're here," I whisper to the Doctor. He snaps his eyes open and lets his hands fall from my temples. "Daisy...welcome to your mind," he breathes. "What?" I look around for a moment, searching for the door. "It's gone! The door, it just disappeared," I look around the small clearing we stood in, everything remaining exactly the same except for the door. "We're in my head?" I ask. The Doctor nods. "Quite a lovely place you got here," the Doctor muses. "But I've never seen this place before," I argue. "Everyone has a safe place in their minds. It could either be a place they remember, or a place they created," he explains. We listen to the rushing water in the stream. "But it's so real," I stare in awe at the forest surrounding us. "I've never been in someone's mind and found it being this realistic," he frowns. He holds out his hand and I give him a strange look. "Wanna explore?" He wiggles his fingers and gives me a smirk. "What if we get lost?" I reluctantly take his hand. "It's your head. We'll find our way back," he says simply.

And with that, we head into the depths of my mind.

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