Part 3

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(Y/N): And that makes another successful delivery run! Good work team!

Penny smiled in accomplishment as you pat her on the head while you had other plans for Neo. Speaking of which, the pink and brown haired beauty has already left the room to shower.

(Y/N): We're going to call it a day so why don't you go ahead and get some rest.

Penny: Allllrighty then! You two have yourselves a good night!

The android left the warehouse facility and made her way towards her new room.

Meanwhile, you made your way to the office and make plans for the deliveries. As you reached the room, you noticed that that the holographic screen was currently floating.

(Y/N): Probably another job offer or somethin'.

Taking a quick sigh, you opened the message on the holographic screen to find it sent by a familiar name. Your eyes widened at the name since it was rather unexpected.

(Y/N): Huh, never thought I'd live to see the day that I would get a message from him...

You chuckled while shutting down the hologram and exited the room.

Two Days Later

You were walking across the Emerald Forest at night, accompanied by Neo and Penny.

Penny: Sooooo, why are we here? We've already delivered most of our "stock".

Neo gave you the same questioning look as the three of you continued on the small journey. You simply smirked under your helmet as you saw a figure in the distance.

(Y/N): We're meeting someone.

???: You received my message.

(Y/N): Guess it really was you, Oz.

The headmaster of Beacon simply stood there, with two others by his side. You immediately recognized them as members of your old team.

(Y/N): Been a while...

Neo quickly readied her umbrella but you simply stopped her. She looked at you in confusion but you only shook your head so she lowered her weapon in response.

(Y/N): So,why'd you call me here?

Ozpin: We know the real reason as to why you murdered your fellow students... Or should I say, your former comrades.

Ranger was confused by Ozpin's words.

(Y/N): Comrades? I hated every one of them from the start. All of them were just as insane when we first met. Yet, Ironwood thought it would be a good idea to let "test subjects" run loose... Especially those creeps.

Joanna: Test subjects?

Ozpin: I apologize for bringing you two without explaining anything...

(Y/N): Yup, you heard it right. Your old leader was a test subject from Atlas. Light is what they called it, yet it hurt like hell when their experiments failed.

Ranger: Wow... Ozpin only told us that you were innocent... Then we found the plans by those seven students... One of them was even after Snow...

(Y/N): Well... It doesn't matter now... Nobody would believe any of you anyways... They all saw it on graduation...

Ozpin: But we could try-

(Y/N): Ozpin... Everyone saw someone kill seven people in cold blood... It's best we keep it that way, especially since Ironwood planned to throw us all back into the cells once we graduate.

Everybody stood in silence after hearing your words.

Ozpin: If that's how you feel...

(Y/N): Don't worry about me. I may seem like a criminal now-

Joanna: But you've been protecting us from the shadows.

Everyone immediately turned to you as they heard the female Arc speak. You only shrugged in response since you knew it was true.

Ozpin: No wonder things have been quiet. Even after everything, you managed to keep the peace in Vale.

(Y/N): Yeah... Why isn't Snow here?

Ranger: (Y/N)...

You looked at your former team mate, who seemed to be saddened for some unknown reason

Ranger: Snow's dead...


You now sat in your office typing in letters at a fast pace to research on a certain subject.

Meanwhile, Neo looked at you from outside the room in worry. She felt a light tap on her shoulder to fins Penny standing behind her.

Penny: *whisper* You don't think he's going to find his friend's killer, is he?

Neo grew more worried since she wsd afraid of the outcome.

To be continued...

Never For The Money: Neo X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now